What To Spend Gems On In Rumble Heroes (Best Way To Spend Gems)!

What to spend gems on is one of the most frequently asked questions by players in Rumble Heroes mobile game. The reason is because there are limited number of ways to get gems in the game for free. Another thing to note is that you get very small amount of gems using all those ways, that’s why it takes you a long time to collect enough gems. Who wouldn’t think several times before spending such a hard earned item? If you were also looking for the best way to spend gems then you have come to the right place. In this post i will tell you what to spend gems on in Rumble Heroes. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Gems In Rumble Heroes

Before learning about the best way to spend gems, first let get to know different ways to get gems in the game. So that first you could collect enough gems and then think about spending it in the best ways. So here are the 5 ways you can use to get gems in Rumble Heroes for free.

rumble heroes gems

1. Daily Quests – The most easiest way to get some gems every day for free is to complete your daily quests. These quests are really basic ones and you can complete them even during your normal daily gameplay. Collect 100 points everyday to claim the last daily quest chest and get 10 gems as a reward.

2. Weekly Quests – These tasks require more time and effort to complete than daily quests. Thus you get 7 days to complete enough of these quests to claim all weekly quest chests. If you are a regular player then you can easily complete all weekly quests in just 4-5 days. Make sure to claim the last weekly quest chest to get 30 gems every week for free.

rumble heroes how to get gems

3. Tower of Trials – This is another great way to get some quick gems. Clearing Towers requires your heroes to be leveled up enough because the difficulty keeps increasing as you move up the towers. So focus on leveling up your heroes to be able to clear more towers and get more free gems.

4. Village Defense – You can also participate in Village Defense Infinite mode to get free gold and gems as ranking rewards. If you manage to survive long enough, you can get up to 25 gems and 700 gold each week. So focus on leveling up as many heroes as you can because in Village Defense mode you need to use a lot of heroes.

rumble heroes best way to get gems

5. Rift Ranking Rewards – Just like Village Defense mode, Rift challenge also has ranking rewards. The more Rift stages you clear each week, higher will be your rank and thus more gems you will be able to get. If you manage to get the top rank then you can get 25 gems, 30 Reroll Ticket for Rift Challenge and 1,000 gold. However your heroes need to be really powerful to achieve top rankings. Most free to play players manage to secure a rank between ranks 21-100.

What To Spend Gems On In Rumble Heroes

After learning about different ways to get gems in Rumble Heroes, now it’s time to learn about the best way to spend them. There are actually quite a lot of ways to spend gems in the game. So first let’s have a look at all the ways you can use to spend gems in Rumble Heroes. This will help you gain a complete understanding of how useful this rare in-game currency is.

1. The first thing you can purchase using gems is the Gold, which is the second most important item in the game. Gold is what you need if you want to get new heroes in the game or even if you want to get shards of already obtained heroes. So there is no doubt that it’s a really important thing to consider. You get 500 gold for 250 gems and 1,000 gold for 500 gems.

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2. The next thing you can purchase using gems are the Rift Boosters. These boosters can be activated before entering a Rift stage to greatly increase the amount of Crimson Rift Stone and Rift Stone obtained from the stage. It can be a good choice to purchase if you like to grind the Rift mode regularly. You can buy 3 Rift Boosters per day for 30 gems each.

rumble heroes what to spend gems on

3. You can also buy Village Defense Tickets using gems. These tickets are needed for playing Village Defense normal mode and also for raiding already cleared stages. This mode gives you Rings which you can equip to boost your ATK or HP stats. So seems like a good choice to spend gems? since you become more stronger and thus increase your power using these rings? You can buy 3 of these tickets per day for 30 gems each.

4. Dungeons are a rich source of gold and equipment as well as they are also one of the best ways to get Crimson Ore in the game. You need dungeon maps to enter the dungeons and thus these are the next thing which you can buy using gems. Currently you can buy only 1 type of map from shop which is “Desert of Despair Map (Normal)”. You can buy 3 maps per day for 20 gems each.

rumble heroes best way to spend gems

5. You also have the choice to get basic resources like lumber/wood, meat/food and ore using gems. However i would never recommend spending gems for purchasing these basic items. You can easily farm all of these for free so there is no point in spending hard earned gems on them. You get 100 ore for 10 gems, 200 wood for 10 gems and 300 food for 10 gems in Rumble Heroes.

6. The last way to spend gems in Rumble Heroes is for purchasing heroes at pub, to be more specific, for purchasing legendary heroes at pub. If you manage to get 3 of 3 or even 2 of 3 legendary heroes as your choice then you can choose to spend gems to get one more pull from the same choice and get a legendary hero. For a lot pf players it might be a good way to spend gems since legendary heroes are not that easy to get.

So you saw that there are so many things to spend gems on but the question is, which of these is the best way? Well, out of the six ways mentioned above, only two are worth spending gems on. According to me and most other players, the first best thing to purchase using gems are dungeon maps. As mentioned earlier, dungeons are a great way to get multiple important items like gold, equipment and Crimson Ore. This means you will be getting a lot of items by spending 20 gems which makes it one of the best choice for spending gems.

rumble heroes crimson ore

The second best way is to use them for purchasing legendary heroes from pub. Legendary heroes are extremely important if you want to clear harder locations and beat high level bosses. Since these heroes are not that easy to get therefore purchasing these heroes can be considered another best use of gems in Rumble Heroes. For this one you will need to collect enough gems first because you need hundreds of gems to purchase heroes.

rumble heroes legendary

It’s debatable which of these two are the best way to spend gems in Rumble Heroes. Legendary heroes as well as Crimson Ore, both are the most important things in the game. So it mostly depends upon your individual choice and your current state in the game. Don’t forget to comment below which of these two is the best way to spend gems in the game according to you.

So this is what to spend gems on in Rumble Heroes. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Rumble Heroes and other latest android games!

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