How To Beat Shadowclaw In Warcraft Rumble + Video Guide!

How to beat Shadowclaw is what a lot of players want to know in Warcraft Rumble mobile game. You need to defeat him as the fourth mission at Darkshore. A lot of players are having a hard time completing this Shadowclaw Mission. However he is not actually hard to beat. All you need to do is just use the correct strategy with right Minis and you will be able to defeat him. If you are also struggling to beat Shadowclaw then no need to worry anymore. In this Shadowclaw guide i won’t only tell you the best strategy to beat Shadowclaw but also show you a video guide in which you can watch me beating Shadowclaw in Warcraft Rumble. So let’s check it out!

How To Beat Shadowclaw In Warcraft Rumble

The first thing you need to know is which path you need to take so that you could reach Shadowclaw with most of your units. The area has two paths, an upper and a lower one. There is no Guard Tower at the location but only a Meeting stone at very right side, which is useless to acquire.

warcraft rumble shadowclaw

The best way to reach him is through the upper path which is at left side. The reason is because this way your units will be able to meet Shadowclaw in the shortest time (who keeps moving stealthily in a circular path at the upper area).

The enemies in this mission are either fast moving or really tanky ones so it’s best to include flying units in your deck. So Minis such as Gryphon Rider, Harpies, Vultures etc. are going to be really helpful. This way you will be able to attack most of enemy units without taking a lot of damage.

warcraft rumble shadowclaw guide

So as soon as the game begins, deploy your flying units at upper left side path so that they could reach Shadowclaw by eliminating enemies in the path. Also keep an eye at lower path but only deploy troops at your base if any enemies such as Mountaineer or Prowler come to your base through this path.

warcraft rumble how to beat shadowclaw

Mountaineer could be an annoying enemy to deal with, specially the gunman behind the bear. He will keep shooting your flying units while they attack the tanky bear. You should either try to quickly beat the bear so that you could attack the gunman or use Defias Bandits to stun the gunman and eliminate him.

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The last thing you need to know is that Shadowclaw stays in Stealth mode therefore your flying units won’t attack him even if Shadowclaw passes through them. You need to take him out of his stealth mode if you want your flying and other units to attack him.

To bring him out of his stealth mode you need to make Shadwoclaw attack your units and he only attacks melee or ground units. The best way to break his stealth at the right time is to simply deploy Quilboar next to him when your flying units are close to him. This way all your troops will collectively attack to beat him easily.

warcraft rumble shadowclaw mission

That’s basically all you need to do and you will easily be able to complete this mission. If you are wondering about which other Minis you need to use then here is the full list of units i used for Shadowaclaw – Vultures, Gryphon Rider, Gargoyle, Defias Bandits, Quilboar, Harpies, with Charlga Razorflank as leader. Of course if you don’t have some of these Minis then no worries, just use other equivalent or better ones.

The best thing about this deck is that it’s average cost is just 2.1 which means you will be able to frequently deploy your units. In the video embedded below you can watch me using the strategy explained in this guide to beat Shadowclaw at Darkshore.

So this is how to beat Shadowclaw in Warcraft Rumble. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Warcraft Rumble and other latest android games!

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