Warcraft Rumble Grommash Guide (How To Beat Grommash) + Video!

How to beat Grommash is what a lot of players want to know in Warcraft Rumble mobile game. You need to defeat him as the last mission at The Barrens. As mentioned in the game he is actually a “Hard Mission” and thus you might be having a hard time beating Grommash Hellscream. However you don’t need to worry anymore because in this Grommash guide i will tell you how to beat Grommash. I will teach you the best strategy to use against him together with the right Minis and Leader you need to use. Not only this but i will also show you a video guide in which you can watch me beating Grommash using this exact strategy in Warcraft Rumble. So let’s check it out!

How To Beat Grommash In Warcraft Rumble

This Grommash mission is hard to complete because the enemies in this mission are quite powerful. Some of these are Warsong Raider, Ogre Mage, Warsong Grunts, Harpies etc. Not only this but these enemies spawn and start attacking you frequently from both sides of your base.

Another issue are the two Treasure Chests located at top left and bottom right corners of the map. These chests periodically gets opened by enemy troops which immediately grants them 2 gold. This ultimately allows them to deploy more troops on the field, forcing you to fight even more enemies.

warcraft rumble grommash

The first thing you need to know is that the average level of your Minis and the Leader should be 6 for this mission. If your units are lower level than that then you might struggle a lot with this mission. Other than that there are some specific characters you should use for this mission. These are Defias Bandits, Quilboar and most importantly the leader Cairne Bloodhoof.

As the game begins, the first thing you need to do is try to capture the Guard Tower located at the center while also defending your base at the same time. The first priority should be to clear out all enemies from your base and then march towards the tower to capture it.

warcraft rumble grommash guide

Capturing this tower is a MUST if you want to beat Grommash and complete this mission. Also, tap on the Switch underneath the tower to make it point towards the tower. This way your units will march toward the tower after beating enemies in the way.

Use Cairne Bloodhoof to capture the tower easily as he can soak a lot of damage from the tower as well as from surrounding enemies. The great thing is that he deals AOE damage and his attacks also stun enemies, which is a big plus point. So just provide him a little support with a ranged unit and he will make the game much easier for you.

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warcraft rumble how to beat grommash

Another key Mini to use in this mission is Quilboar. The best thing about him is that he is Unbound due to which you can deploy him anywhere you want on the map. You can deploy him behind tanky enemy units to surprise and distract them while your other units attack to get rid of them.

Quilboar can also assist Cairne in capturing the tower. As Cairne Bloodhoof is close to reach the Guard Tower you can deploy Quilboar behind the tower, to confuse it where to attack. Before it could beat any of you, it will be broken by Cairne and you will be ready to deploy your Minis there in few moments.

Another key Mini you can cleverly use is Defias Bandits. The best thing about him is that he can stun any dangerous enemy (even Grommash) for a good amount of time. This gives your other Minis a great opportunity to get rid of that enemy before he could even do anything. Another great thing is that he needs only 1 gold to be deployed.

warcraft rumble grommash hellscream

After capturing the tower you just need to keep deploying your Minis there so that all of them could start attacking Grommash Hellscream. Also make sure to defend the tower so that it doesn’t gets recaptured by the enemies. You should of course also keep an eye on your base and eliminate any enemies trying to damage it.

warcraft rumble grommash mission

That’s basically all you need to do in order to complete this mission. If you are wondering about which other Minis to use for this mission then here are the ones i used – Cairne Bloodhoof, Gryphon Rider, Quilboar, Plague Farmer, Defias Bandits, Gnoll Brute and Harvest Golem. Of course if you don’t have some of these Minis then no worries, just use other equivalent or better ones. In the video embedded below you can watch me using this strategy to beat Grommash Hellscream at The Barrens.

So this is how to beat Grommash in Warcraft Rumble. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Warcraft Rumble and other latest android games!

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