How To Beat Maiev Shadowsong In Warcraft Rumble + Video Guide!

How to beat Maiev Shadowsong is what a lot of players want to know in Warcraft Rumble mobile game. You need to defeat him as the fourth mission at Ashenvale. A lot of players are having a hard time completing this Maiev Shadowsong Mission. However he is not really hard to beat, even with low level Minis. All you need to do is just use the correct strategy with right Minis and you will be able to defeat him. If you are struggling to beat Maiev Shadowsong then no need to worry anymore. In this Maiev Shadowsong guide i won’t only tell you the best strategy to beat Maiev Shadowsong but also show you a video guide in which you can watch me beating Maiev Shadowsong in Warcraft Rumble. So let’s check it out!

How To Beat Maiev Shadowsong In Warcraft Rumble

The first thing you need to know is which path you need to take in order to safely reach Maiev Shadowsong with most of your Minis. You can find four possible paths taking you to him. You can also find two Guard Towers, each located at top left and right side of the area.

maiev shadowsong warcraft rumble

The best and the easiest way to complete this mission is to destroy and capture the right side tower so that you could deploy your Minis there. So as soon as the game begins, tap on the Switch located at right side to make it point towards the right side tower.

After that start deploying some Minis at right side so that they start moving towards the tower. You can use Cairne Bloodhoof together with your other Minis to capture the tower easily as he can soak a lot of damage from the tower. The great thing is that he deals AOE damage and his attacks can also stun any enemies which might spawn there.

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warcraft rumble maiev shadowsong guide

Quilboar is another great Mini you can use to assist Cairne in capturing the tower. As Cairne Bloodhoof is close to reach the Guard Tower you can deploy Quilboar right behind the tower, to confuse it where to attack. Before it could beat any of you, it will be broken by Cairne and you will be ready to deploy your Minis there in few moments.

Also keep an eye on the enemies coming towards your base from the left side. Deploy some Minis near your base so that they could help the Barracks get rid of those enemies. Also make sure the Switch at left side is pointing towards right side. This way your Minis will move towards the right lane to join your troops after beating the enemies and not move upwards to get beaten by the Guard Tower located there.

warcraft rumble how to beat maiev shadowsong

After getting rid of the left side enemies just keep deploying more Minis at right side tower. This way you will be able to attack Maieve Shadowsong with a huge force and beat him easily. That’s basically all you need to do and you will easily be able to complete this mission.

warcraft rumble maiev shadowsong mission

If you are wondering about which Minis to use for this mission then here are the ones i used – Quilboar, Gryphon Rider, Pyromancer, Defias Bandits, Gnoll Brute, Plague Farmer with Charlga Razorflank as leader. Of course if you don’t have some of these Minis then no worries, just use other equivalent or better ones. In the video embedded below you can watch me using this strategy to beat Maieve Shadowsong at Ashenvale.

So this is how to beat Maieve Shadowsong in Warcraft Rumble. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Warcraft Rumble and other latest android games!

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