How To Beat Magatha Grimtotem In Warcraft Rumble + Video Guide!

How to beat Magatha is what a lot of players want to know in Warcraft Rumble mobile game. You need to defeat him as the fourth mission at Thousand Needles. A lot of players are having a hard time completing this Magatha Grimtotem Mission. However he is not actually hard to beat. All you need to do is just use the correct strategy with right Minis and you will be able to defeat him. If you are also struggling to beat Magatha then no need to worry anymore. In this Magatha guide i won’t only tell you the best strategy to beat Magatha Grimtotem but also show you a video guide in which you can watch me beating Magatha in Warcraft Rumble. So let’s check it out!

How To Beat Magatha In Warcraft Rumble

Magatha Grimtotem has the ability to not only cast Chain Lightning on enemies but also Chain Heal his allies. Other than that your another trouble is going to be the three Stonehoof Tauren who start coming towards your base within few seconds of the beginning of the game.

warcraft rumble magatha

The first thing you need to know is which path you need to take so that you could reach Magatha with most of your units. There are four possible paths you can choose from, two at upper floor and two at lower. There is also a Guard Tower located at lower left side of the area and a Meeting Stone at upper right side.

warcraft rumble magatha guide

The best way is to take the lower path and progress towards destroying the Guard Tower at left side. This way you will be able to acquire the tower and start deploying your troops there. In order to capture the tower by beating all three Stonehoof its really important to deploy the right minis as soon as the game begins.

The best units for this mission are flying and ranged ones. It’s also important that most of your units don’t cost more than 2 gold so that you could attack the initial Stonehoof and other enemies with enough Minis. Pyromancer and Bat Rider are two best ones for this mission. I will share my complete deck further below in this guide.

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So at the beginning of the game deploy all your ranged and flying units at lower path. If they are at least level 9 then they will easily take care of all three Stonehoof together with Earth Elemental and Fire Elemental that come towards your base.

warcraft rumble how to beat magatha

They will then progress towards destroying the tower and capture it quite easily in a couple of seconds. Once captured, just keep deploying more units at the tower and Magatha will be surrounded with a horde of units and won’t really be able to do anything.

warcraft rumble magatha mission

That’s basically all you need to do and you will easily be able to complete this mission. If you are wondering about which other Minis you need to use then here is the full list of units i used for Magatha Grimtotem – Vultures, Stonehoof Tauren, Pyromancer, Bat Rider, Quilboar, Gryphon Rider with Charlga Razorflank as leader. Of course if you don’t have some of these Minis then no worries, just use other equivalent or better ones.

The best thing about this deck is that it’s average cost is just 2.3 which means you will be able to frequently deploy your units. In the video embedded below you can watch me using the strategy explained in this guide to beat Magatha at Thousand Needles.

So this is how to beat Magatha Grimtotem in Warcraft Rumble. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Warcraft Rumble and other latest android games!

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