How To Beat Na’shala The Sandweaver In Warcraft Rumble + Video Guide!

How to beat Na’shala The Sandweaver is what a lot of players want to know in Warcraft Rumble mobile game. You need to defeat her as the first mission at Thousand Needles. A lot of players are having a hard time completing this Nashala Mission. However she is not actually hard to beat. All you need to do is just use the correct strategy with right Minis and you will be able to defeat her. If you are also struggling to beat Nashala The Sandweaver then no need to worry anymore. In this Nashala guide i won’t only tell you the best strategy to beat Na’shala The Sandweaver but also show you a video guide in which you can watch me beating Nashala in Warcraft Rumble. So let’s check it out!

How To Beat Nashala In Warcraft Rumble

This Nashala stage or area is divided into two lanes with a Guard Tower located at each lane. Since there is not too much distance between the lanes and since both lanes are also almost identical so it doesn’t really matter which lane you choose.

warcraft rumble nashala

In order to complete this mission all you need to do is first capture the right side tower and deploy your units there. After that do the same with the tower at top left side. You will then be able to deploy units at the second tower and attack Nashala with your full force.

Most players find this mission hard to complete because Na’shala creates an additional fragile but powerful mirage of every troop played in this mission. This applies to both yours as well as enemy troops and can have both positive as well as negative effect for you.

warcraft rumble nashala the sandweaver

Not only this but she can also create her own mirage which might make it difficult for you to beat her. However you don’t need to worry because she is not a really tanky or high HP boss. All you need to do is just use the right units and you will be able to beat her easily.

warcraft rumble nashala guide

There are three Minis who are going to be extremely helpful in this mission. The first one is Abomination who has a massive amount of HP. He can greatly help you to capture towers so try to deploy him early in the game so that he could clear the path for your other units.

warcraft rumble how to beat nashala

The next most helpful unit is Pyromancer who can attack both ground and flying units by staying behind Abomination. She is actually one of the best ranged Minis in the game and could be included in most of the decks.

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The third really important unit is Defias Bandits. They can stun the most powerful enemy units which give your Minis enough time to eliminate them. It is also highly recommended to deploy them against Nashala. Once they stun her, it will take just a few seconds for your units to beat her.

In order to effectively use Defias Bandits against Nashala all you need to do is just deploy them at top left side tower and provide them protection. It’s important that they don’t get attacked otherwise their stealth will be revealed and they won’t be able to stun.

warcraft rumble nashala mission

That’s basically all you need to do and you will easily be able to complete this mission. If you are wondering about which other Minis you need to use then here is the full list of units i used for Nashala The Sandweaver – Vultures, Abomination, Pyromancer, Defias Bandits, Darkspear Troll with Charlga Razorflank as leader. Of course if you don’t have some of these Minis then no worries, just use other equivalent or better ones.

The best thing about this deck is that it’s average cost is just 2.6 which means you will be able to frequently deploy your units. In the video embedded below you can watch me using the strategy explained in this guide to beat Nashala at Thousand Needles.

So this is how to beat Nashala in Warcraft Rumble. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Warcraft Rumble and other latest android games!

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