Alien Invasion Level 7 Walkthrough Guide & Tips!

Level 7 is one of the most important levels you need to reach in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space mobile game. Reaching this level unlocks not just one but three doors and thus it grants you access to a lot of new content in the game. If you have just reached level 7 or even if you haven’t yet reached it and wondering about what do you find behind level 7 doors then you have come to the right place. In this level 7 walkthrough i will tell you everything you need to know about level 7 in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space. So let’s check it out!

Alien Invasion Level 7

As mentioned above, you will unlock three new doors on reaching level 7. The first one will be a really large room located just above the Agents. In this room you will find two quests, two new types of Orbs, two Exchange spots as well as two new upgrade screens. Below you can check details about all of these in detail.

alien invasion level 7

The first upgrade screen is “Green Market” using which you can further increase your attack power and health. Other than these you will also find a stat called “BonusRegen” in it using which you can gain the ability to automatically regenerate your health.

The second upgrade screen is called “Meat Farm” from where you can get even more meat. Although it seems almost similar to Kustov’s Farm but upgrading Meat Farm is a little different. For leveling up Kustov’s Farm stats you need just meat while Meat Farm requires Green Orb together will all kinds of DNA.

alien invasion walkthrough level 7

The next thing you can find inside this large room are two Exchanger. The first exchanger is located almost next to Meat Farm where you can get green and purple orbs using crystals. However obtaining these orbs using this exchanger is quite expensive and thus not recommended.

At second exchanger you can exchange your broken eggs for blue eggs. Although there is a similar exchanger in Agents room but there you can turn 8 broken eggs into 1 blue egg while at this one you can turn 75 broken eggs into 10 blue eggs. So this level 7 room exchanger gives you a little more blue eggs.

alien invasion level 7 walkthrough

You will also find two quests in this room. The first one is called “Return The Eggs” in which you need to catch 7 kidnappers. Each of these kidnappers have a lot of HP and they also move kinda fast. But that is not really the problem. The main problem every player faces in this quest are the numerous blue colored enemies located just next to these kidnappers.

alien invasion level 7 tips

The path you need to take in order to reach these kidnappers is kinda narrow which makes it almost impossible for you to avoid blue colored enemies. This results in your stomach getting full before you could reach the kidnappers. Make sure to check out my guide on how to easily complete this Return The Eggs quest.

The second quest is called “Eliminate The Threat” in which you need to get rid of 8 enemies in military uniform to get a yellow colored alien for the Main Quest. These military guys deal a great amount of damage and their speed increases gradually as they start chasing you. I highly recommend you to check out my guide on Eliminate The Threat to be able to complete it easily.

alien invasion app level 7

So this was all you will find behind the first level 7 door. The second room is quite small in comparison to the first one but really dangerous. The reason is because you will find Robot boss inside this room whom you need to defeat in order to get purple alien for Main Quest.

alien invasion rpg idle space level 7

This yellow colored robot is dangerous due to several reasons like immense amount of HP, ability to fully regenerate his HP in a couple of seconds, extremely fast speed and more. I have explained everything in great detail about this boss together with a nice trick to beat him easily in my Robot boss guide. Make sure to check it out if you don’t want this boss to cause you a lot of trouble.

The third and the last room is also a smaller one but has a really important exchanger. At this exchanger you can exchange a variety of resources into all kinds of DNA. So you will also unlock one of the best ways to get DNA by reaching level 7 in the game.

alien invasion exchanger

So this is everything you get to unlock after reaching level 7 in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space and other latest android games!

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