Alien Invasion Reactor & Portal Guide + All Reactor Stages!

Reactor and Portal are mid to advanced game content in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space. Due to this it might take you quite some time before you could unlock them in the game. If you have already located them in non functional state in your game and wondering about how to activate them and what do they do then you are actually not alone. There are a lot of players who are wondering the same. Therefore in this post i am going to tell you everything you need to know about Portal and Reactor in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space. So let’s check it out!

Alien Invasion Reactor

First it’s important to learn about Reactor as you can’t start Portal without activating it. Also, for those who can’t yet find Reactor & Portal in their game, you first need to unlock Stukov Door and then reach level 9 in order to locate them as both of them are located in level 9 room at winter zone.

alien invasion reactor

The first thing you will need to do is to unlock the Reactor. You can do this by interacting with the Reactor to get a quest called “Build The Reactor” and completing it. This quest is quite easy so you will be able to complete it without any problems.

After successfully unlocking the Reactor you will now need to complete five Reactor stages in order to activate it. Completing all these stages can be a little tricky but you don’t need to worry as i am going to explain you exactly how to complete each reactor stage to be able to activate the Reactor.

alien invasion reactor stages

The first reactor stage requires you to complete “Amplifier 1” quest located in the same level 9 room. In this quest you will need to catch 50 snow bikes in order to obtain 50 engines. These snow bikes move really fast and they also frequently keep changing their direction which makes it really difficult to catch them. Make sure to check out my Amplifier 1 quest guide to learn how to complete it easily.

In the 2nd stage of Reactor you will need to build the Factory which is a structure located above the Portal in the same room. You will just need to complete a simple quest in order to build it. Once completed, you won’t only complete the 2nd stage of reactor but also start to obtain a new resource from the Factory.

alien invasion game reactor

The 3rd stage of Reactor requires you to complete “Amplifier 2” quest which is located in level 10 room. In this quest you need to collect 20 radioactive barrels which can be found at random places inside level 10 room. You can check out my Amplifier 2 guide for complete details about this quest.

alien invasion rpg reactor

In the 4th stage of Reactor you will need to build Chemical Plant which is a structure similar to Furnace and Factory. This Chemical Plant is located in the same level 10 room and can be built by completing a simple quest. Just like Furnace and Factory it will also give you a new resource.

In the 5th and last stage of Reactor you will need to complete Amplifier 3 quest. Completing this quest is not that hard but it is located in level 11 room. This means in order to access this quest you won’t only need to reach level 11 but also beat Mammoth boss three times as you need three mammoth tusks in order to unlock level 11 door.

reactor alien invasion

After completing this Amplifier 3 quest, all 5 Reactor stages will be completed and Reactor will finally get activated. You will now be able to access the Reactor screen where you can level up 6 stability modules using three types of resources shown at the top of Reactor screen.

alien invasion rpg idle space reactor

The first resource (with shock icon) can be obtained from Furnace located in the first winter zone room. The second resource can be obtained from Factory located towards north in Reactor room. The third resource can be obtained from Chemical Plant located in level 10 room.

Alien Invasion Portal

After activating Reactor by completing the above mentioned five stages you will now be able to use the Portal. The description of Portal says “Start Reactor to explore other worlds”. You might probably be thinking that you will be able to unlock or explore new regions using this Portal but can you really do that using the Portal?

Well, unfortunately you can’t really visit new zones or areas using Portal. You can actually just use it to summon creatures from other world. After summoning these creatures you can beat them to obtain crystals and blue eggs.

alien invasion portal

In order to summon these creatures you will need to start the Reactor which you can do by tapping on “Start” button near the bottom at Reactor screen. You can start the Reactor every 60 minutes which means you can farm a good amount of free crystals by actively starting the Reactor throughout the day.

alien invasion game portal

It’s important to keep leveling up the 6 stability modules in Reactor using three resources. This will increase your chances of summoning a rich guy through the Portal from whom you can obtain even more gems and resources. In the video embedded below you can learn a trick to easily beat Portal creatures without taking a single damage.

So i hope now you know everything about Reactor and Portal in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space game. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space and other latest android games!

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