Alien Invasion Engine Guide (Finish Module Quest)!

Engine is one of the “Finish Module” quests in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space mobile game. There are total ten missions or tasks you need to complete in this quest. Just like the other three Finish Module quests, in this one also you need to catch satellites and beat Astronaut boss. However this time they will be a little more difficult to complete. A lot of players struggle with both these missions and find them hard to complete. If you are also one of those players then no need to worry anymore. In this post i won’t only tell you how to complete Engine quest but also show you the gameplay video of completing this quest in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space. So let’s check it out!

Alien Invasion Engine

You can access this quest after reaching level 6 in the game. It is located in the same room where two agents can be found, however you don’t need to defeat agents in order to access this quest. This is because Engine quest is located a little far away from agents. As there are two doors to access this room, so if you take the western path to the room then you won’t even see the agents on your screen.

alien invasion engine

As mentioned earlier, the missions in Engine are same as other Finish Module quests. Just the difficulty is a bit higher. Eight out these ten missions require you to catch a satellite and two times you will need to defeat Astronaut boss. Below you can check out the complete list of missions in Engine quest.

  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • The Astronaut
  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • Catch a Satellite
  • The Astronaut

However these ten tasks are not the only challenges in this quest. After completing all these ten missions you will also need to spend some specific resources and wait for a particular amount of time. Only then you will be able to finish this quest and obtain Engine part for the Rocket.

So first let’s learn about how to complete the satellites missions in this quest. An important thing you need to know is that every time you complete a satellite task you will earn a few thousands of EXP as a reward. So these tasks will also greatly help you if you want to level up fast in Alien Invasion.

alien invasion engine quest

You don’t need to worry about completing the satellites missions because i am going to tell you what exactly you need to do in order to capture them easily. Actually it’s not that difficult to catch satellites if you focus on upgrading two specific stats which are “Move Speed” and “Catching Radius” as these two are the most important upgrades for these particular tasks.

Leveling up the Catching Radius will increase the size of your attack radius which will greatly reduce the chances of the satellite flying away from your range. Also, higher the level of your Move Speed upgrade, faster you will be able to move and chase the satellite to keep it inside the radius.

As for the Astronaut boss, what he basically does is come close to you and hit once to deplete your HP. After that he moves away from you, but only up to the boundary of your attack radius, and then comes back to hit again and deplete more of your HP. He just keeps repeating this pattern over and over until you run out of all your HP to eventually get defeated.

alien invasion rpg idle space engine

In order to beat him all you need to do is focus on leveling up your Catching Speed, Group Attack, Move Speed, Catching Radius and HP. But out of all these, HP and Catching Radius are the most important ones. You can check the exact levels of all upgrades required for defeating Astronaut by watching the gameplay video embedded at the end of this post.

After completing all these ten missions you will need to spend 60 Blue Eggs, 300K meat and 15 White DNA to repair the Engine. Not only this but you will also need to wait 240 minutes for repairing to complete. Although you can skip this time by using crystals but i never recommend you to do so.

In the video embedded below you can watch me defeating the Astronaut boss (10th mission of the quest) and then completing the quest to repair the Engine. Not only this but you can also check my exact stats in the video so that you don’t have to guess how much power you need to easily complete this quest.

So this is how to complete Engine in Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space game. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Alien Invasion RPG Idle Space and other latest android games!

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