Frozen City Extended Shift (Survivors Will Sleep) Guide! Worth Activating?

Extended Shift seems to be a really useful feature in Frozen City mobile game. By enabling it you can make 1 worker keep working in a building even when it’s sleep time and all workers are sleeping. This way your one worker will keep working to produce respective material all the time (except lunch and dinner times). But is it really a useful feature? Are there any disadvantages of enabling this feature? In this post i will explain you the advantages and disadvantages of Extended Shift so that you could decide if you want to activate it or not. So let’s check it out!

Extended Shift In Frozen City

On reaching the 3rd location “Plain City” you will find a “Survivors Will Sleep” button at the bottom of each building’s screen. By turning it “On” you will activate Extended Shift feature which will make 1 worker keep working for extended shifts in that building to produce some amount of resource even when all other survivors are sleeping in their Dorms at night.

frozen city extended shift

There is another faster way to control this feature for all of your buildings. All you need to do is just tap on survivors button (last one) at right side of the screen to open Survivor Management screen. Now simply switch to “Extended Shift” tab and you can now control this feature for all buildings separately through the same screen. You can turn it on and off for any building in the city from here.

frozen city survivors will sleep

Note that not all but only the resource producing buildings will have this feature. You won’t find this option in your Hospital, Guard Tower, Hunter’s Cabin and Kitchen.That’s why you won’t see these buildings on Survivor Management screen as well.

Advantages of Extended Shift In Frozen City

After learning about extended shift and it’s management now let’s learn about it’s advantage. This feature is really helpful or advantageous in buildings whose heroes are really hard to get. Because if you can’t get and level up a hero then you can’t assign new survivors to a building and thus won’t be able to produce more resource faster, which slows down your progress. In Plain City location, Arthur (Iron Mine hero) and Sophia (Foundry hero) are two such heroes.

frozen shift extended shift downside

If you are not able to get these two heroes then you will produce small amounts of iron and iron block. Therefore enabling Extended Shift is really helpful for these buildings at Plain City. For other buildings it might not be that necessary (still you can activate on them) so it’s up to you if you want to activate it for other buildings or not. The below part of this post will help you decide better so just keep reading.

Also Read:

How To Get More Food In Frozen City

How To Get Iron Mine Hero In Frozen City

How To Get Sophia In Frozen City

Disadvantages of Extended Shift In Frozen City

Till now Extended Shift seems to be a really great and helpful feature but does it have any disadvantage? Well, yes it does have a disadvantage. When you activate this feature, the survivor working in extended shift will sooner or later get a yellow exclamation mark over him which means he is not getting enough “Rest Needs”. He won’t be able to get enough rest even after eating meal or sleeping in dorm like other survivors. This will make him exhausted and reduce his work efficiency by 10%.

Not only this but he will also soon run away from the city which means 1 survivor will stop working in that building and thus the resource production will be significantly reduced. This can be really disadvantageous because if your building has only one survivor working in it and he runs away due to exhaustion then that building will completely stop producing that resource. Therefore it can be risky to activate extended shift in buildings with only 1 worker.

You will see a notification on survivors button at right side of the screen whenever any survivor runs away. Make sure to check and assign a new survivor as soon as possible to start producing that resource again.

frozen shift extended shift disadvantage

One thing you can also do is simply unassign the exhausted survivor and then reassign a survivor (after several seconds of unassigning). This will replace the exhausted worker with a new one and thus the risk of exhausted survivor running away will be prevented. You can identify if a survivor is exhausted when you see a yellow “ZZZ” symbol over him with an exclamation mark.

survivors will sleep frozen city

So i hope now you can better decide if you should enable Extended Shift in Frozen City or not. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Frozen City and other latest android games!

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2 Comments on “Frozen City Extended Shift (Survivors Will Sleep) Guide! Worth Activating?”

  1. Extended shift seems really good during weekend events. Maxed out kitchen provides (at least it should) so many rest points, almost as much as 3′ of sleep. Also ES provides more passion as well

    1. UPD: There’s probably a bug that multiples displayed only rest needs (provided in kitchen) by the number of chefs. So no, kitchen not so good

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