Furnace Died Out In Frozen City? Here’s How To Restart Furnace!

Furnace Died Out is one of the most scariest situations in Frozen City mobile game. When this happens, you will be unable to Switch ON your Furnace which will ultimately affect all survivors or workers in the City. You directly expose your survivors to severely cold weather conditions when your Furnace is not working. If your Furnace has died and you have no idea about how or why did it happen then you don’t need to worry anymore. In this post i won’t only tell you why Furnace dies but also what you need to do in order to switch it ON again in Frozen City. So let’s check it out!

Why Furnace Dies In Frozen City

First of all let’s learn about why Furnace actually dies in Frozen City. You might know that Furnace uses Coal as a fuel in order to function and keep the city warm. So whenever you are not able to provide enough coal to the Furnace, it will Switch Off and die. Also, Furnace is actually not the only thing which consumes coal in Frozen City. Other than Furnace there are two more ways your coal is consumed in the game. Below you can learn about both of them.

frozen city furnace

1. Coal might also be needed as a raw material for producing other resources in the city. In the image below you can see that Coal is needed for producing Copper Wire as well as Steel Block. So other than Furnace (which is already consuming enough coal per minute) your coal is also being consumed by the buildings which are producing Copper Wire and Steel Block.

frozen city furnace died out

2. One more way your coal is consumed is while upgrading certain things inside buildings. In the image below you can see that in order to upgrade Cleaning Tools inside Workshop you need to spend Coal. The required quantity of coal is also not small, you need to spend 565K+ coal for each level.

frozen city furnace died

So you can see that Coal is being used in so many ways in the City. All the above mentioned reasons contribute to the shortage of coal in Furnace which ultimately leads to Furnace Died Out problem.

What Happens When Furnace Dies In Frozen City

After learning about various reasons for your Furnace dying, now let’s check out what really happens when your Furnace stops working. As mentioned earlier, Furnace is the most important structure in every city in Frozen City game. If for any reason it’s not able to function properly, it always directly affects all your survivors and buildings in the city.

Furnace is responsible for keeping your city warm so when it stops working, all your survivors are exposed to extremely cold weather conditions which ultimately makes them sick. When your survivors get sick it’s obvious that they won’t be able to work inside buildings to produce resources and will need treatment. If they can’t recover their health then they will die. So when your Furnace dies out, it ultimately greatly reduces the production of resources in the city which means your game progress is slowed down significantly.

In the image below you can see 5 survivors being sick and getting treatment at Hospital, simply because the Furnace is Switched Off. Although it’s not the real solution but for the time being you should keep your Hospital at max possible level so that the sick survivors could recover successfully and get back to work till Furnace is restarted.

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furnace died out frozen city

How To Restart Furnace In Frozen City

Till now you learnt about different reasons which lead to Furnace dying out and also what happens when it stops functioning. Now i am going to tell you exactly how you can get your Furnace to start working again. Below you can find the steps using which you can revive your Furnace in least time possible. So make sure to carefully follow all the steps mentioned below and your Furnace will start working again.

Step 1. Make sure the Furnace is switched Off while following all these steps. Don’t try to turn it On at any step.

Step 2. Remove all workers from every building consuming Coal. In an earlier image you saw that Copper Wire and Steel Block requires coal, so you need to remove all workers from Workshop and Foundry.

Step 3. Assign max possible workers to Coal Mine so that you could produce more coal faster. You should also upgrade the Coal Mine as well as the hero associated with it to greatly increase the coal production.

frozen city coal mine

Step 4. Let your Coal Mine produce coal for an hour or more and then Switch On the Furnace.

Step 5. Gradually assign workers to the buildings consuming coal, over a period of an hour (in this example Workshop and Foundry)

These are the steps you need to follow to get your Furnace to start working again. The most important thing to remember is that this situation mainly arises when you just keep upgrading Furnace and don’t focus on upgrading Coal Mine. Therefore you should always keep your Coal Mine well upgraded.

So this is everything you need to know about Furnace died out issue in Frozen City. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Frozen City and other latest android games!

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