How To Defeat Lord Martanos + Spawn Time & Location In Diablo Immortal!

Lord Martanos is one of the hardest bosses you will find in Diablo Immortal. You need to defeat Lord Martanos for two reasons, the first is for completing a Codex achievement for Mount Zavain which rewards you 60 hilts and another reason is for obtaining Zakarum Sigil which is a really useful item for Ancient Nightmare event. If you have absolutely no idea about this world boss then don’t worry because in this guide i won’t only show you Lord Martanos location and spawn time but also how to beat Lord Martanos in the easiest way. So let’s check it out!

Lord Martanos Location & Spawn Time In Diablo Immortal

Even though it’s quite easy to find Lord Martanos world boss at Mount Zavain but since many players still ask where is Lord Martanos so let’s quickly learn about where to find Lord Martanos in Diablo Immortal.

Lord Martanos has been assigned a very specific portion of the map as his resting or spawn place in Mount Zavain. You can find Lord Martanos tomb at western part of the zone, this is where he spawns from. In order to reach his tomb you just need to keep moving towards northwest from Zakarum Graveyard. You can also use Zakarum Cemetery Waypoint to arrive at the zone and just keep heading towards the west to reach Lord Martanos location.

The room where you find Lord Martanos tomb is a closed room from three sides, so you will have only one way to enter and leave the room. You can see the exact Lord Martanos location marked with a red colored cross in the map below.

diablo immortal lord martanos location

On visiting this room you will find a Grave Altar near his tomb. You need to use it in order to awaken and spawn Lord Martanos in the room. However it has a cooldown of 30 minutes, this means there is not a specific Lord Martanos spawn time, instead you can spawn him after every 30 minutes of defeating him.

A great thing is that you don’t need to worry about remembering the remaining time in his spawn. You can simply tap on the Grave Altar and if there is still time left then it will show you the message “The altar is still charging. You may activate it in x minutes/seconds when it’s fully charged”. If the altar is fully charged then the hand button will become active when you go near it and you can just tap on it to spawn Lord Martanos.

diablo immortal lord martanos spawn time

How To Defeat Lord Martanos In Diablo Immortal

It’s actually quite hard to defeat Lord Martanos if you try to do it solo because he has millions of HP. His health points scale based on the number of players available in his room at the time of awakening him and the difficulty in which you are playing. So if you believe you are not strong enough and don’t want him to have too much HP then try to defeat him in Hell 1 difficulty. If you awaken him solo in Hell 2 difficulty then he will still have 5.01 million HP.

diablo immortal lord martanos

He doesn’t really have many fancy attacks or skills with a large AOE (area of effect). He mostly uses normal attacks like hitting with his hands and shield if you are close to him. His basic attacks might seem quite simple but they deal a lot of damage and since he doesn’t drop health potions until you deal enough damage to him, you should try to dodge his attacks as much as possible.

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Other than his basic attacks he also uses two special attacks. In one of them he throws his shield at you (which returns back to him like a boomerang) and in other one he spawns several other enemies who can quickly surround you to obstruct your movement and drain your HP. You need to be careful of both these attacks.

diablo immortal how to beat lord martanos

Another thing which makes it more difficult to beat Lord Martanos are the multiple groups of monsters who periodically keep spawning in his room. They won’t come to attack you themselves but you will eventually trigger them when you pass through them while trying to escape from Lord Martanos’ attacks.

The first thing you need to keep in mind is to always fight him with at least 1 or 2 other players. Trying to defeat him solo is kinda wastage of time because it will be more hard for you and also take a lot of time. Also, it’s best to awaken him solo and let the other player/s join after he is awakened so that he will spawn will less HP.

When you fight alongside 1 or more players you have the advantage of attacking him from behind, when he is facing or running towards the other player. This is the best strategy to use against him because it will greatly reduce your chances of getting hit with his attacks.

It will be even more easier for you if you are playing with a ranged character because this way you won’t need to go close to him and it will also be easier to escape his shield throw attack. However you don’t need to worry even if you are not playing with ranged classes because you can still use the above mentioned strategy to defeat him easily.

Lord Martanos Keeps Resetting Or Healing

Many players face an issue where Lord Martanos gets reset which makes him gain back all his HP. This can be extremely frustrating specially when you are really close to your victory after spending a lot of time effort, only to find out that he has fully healed himself again.

Most players have no idea about why he keeps resetting or healing himself, however the answer is quite easy. He will reset in only two cases, either if you bring him outside of his room (or too far away from him tomb) Or when he is not being engaged with any player for few seconds.

So make sure to always stay inside his room while fighting him and most importantly at least one of the players should always keep him engaged (either by attacking him or making him chase you). The best place to fight him is around his tomb. You can just keep running around the tomb when he is chasing you while other players attack him from behind. The tomb is also the safest spot because his shield throw attack can’t pass through it.

diablo immortal lord martanos keeps resetting

At the end i would like to share one more useful tip for fighting Lord Martanos. If you have really low HP and you have also consumed your 3 health potions then you can teleport to the town (Sentinel’s Watch) located at Mount Zavain to instantly restore your full HP together with health potions and then come back to fight Lord Martanos again. Don’t worry because Martanos will not reset, just make sure that other players continue to engage him while you use this method.

diablo immortal lord martanos healing

Even if you die while fighting him, you don’t need to revive yourself using resurrection stone. You can just tap on “Revive in Town” to revive for free and come back to Martanos. He will still not reset as long as at least 1 player is alive and fighting him. This also means you can’t use this method if you are fighting him solo.

If you want to know what does Lord Martanos drops after you defeat him then let me tell you that he drops Zakarum Sigil. It is a very important item which you need to easily clear the Ancient Nightmare event. Also, the first time you defeat Lord Martanos he will drop Cathan’s Piety vessel which you need to place at Iben Fahd Sanctum. So these drops are the reasons you will need to defeat him several times.

diablo immortal lord martanos drops

So i hope now you know about Lord Martanos, his location, spawn time and also how to defeat him in Diablo Immortal. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Diablo Immortal!

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