How To Get Legendary Equipment In (Red Gear/Weapons)!

Legendary Gear are currently the most strongest equipment you can get in mobile game. Other than having maximum base stats they also have all grade skills unlocked which give you various types of best possible advantages in the game. If you are one of those players who have no idea about how to get these legendary equipment or red gear then don’t worry because you have come to the right place. In this post i won’t only tell you how to get legendary equipment in but also the fastest possible way to get them. So let’s check it out!

What Are Legendary Equipment In

Before learning about how to get legendary gear it’s good to learn more about them. Legendary Equipment can be identified by their red background that’s why some players also like to call them as red gear. As mentioned earlier legendary weapons or gear are the most strongest gear in game. There are many factors which make them one of the strongest items, like they have really high base stats by default so you will notice an instant noticeable stat increase on equipping them. legendary gear

They don’t only have the highest base stat but they can also be upgraded up to level 120, just imagine how strong a maxed out legendary would be. It’s quite obvious that it might take you a long time to upgrade a legendary item to level 120 (specially if you are F2P) but it will definitely be worth it. It’s also worth remembering that they have all Grade Skills unlocked which make them even more powerful.

How To Get Legendary Gear In

I know you can’t wait to know how to get red equipment or legendary gear so let me tell you that it’s not going to be that easy to obtain them. Getting red weapons might take you a little long (if you are completely free to play). Right now there is no direct way to get legendary items in the game. May be later on they might add ways to obtain them directly through some events.

But since it’s not possible to wait for such future events so let me tell you that currently there is only one way to get legendary equipment and that is by merging gear. In this post i am not going to explain about merge feature because i have already posted a separate guide on that. If you don’t know how to merge equipment in then make sure to check the linked post in this paragraph. how to get legendary equipment

Obtaining a legendary gear through Merge feature might take a long time but unfortunately that’s the only way right now. The time it takes to obtain a legendary depends upon which grade of items you start merging with. If you start with Good grade gear then it will take much longer but if you start with Better or Excellent rarity items then it will be less longer process.

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I am now going to tell you the exact steps to upgrade an equipment from Normal grade to Legendary grade using Merge feature. Below you can find the exact steps you need to follow in order to get legendary equipment in game.

  • Step 1. First you need to Merge 3 same equipment of Common grade to upgrade it into a Good grade equipment.
  • Step 2. Obtain 2 more Good grade copies of that equipment and merge them to upgrade it into a Better grade equipment.
  • Step 3. Obtain 2 more Better grade copies of that equipment and merge them to upgrade it into an Excellent grade equipment.
  • Step 4. Merge that Excellent grade equipment with any other Excellent equipment of same type (like Belt, Gloves etc.) to upgrade your Excellent equipment to +1
  • Step 5. Merge that +1 Excellent equipment with any other +1 Excellent equipment of same type to upgrade your +1 Excellent equipment to +2
  • Step 6. Merge that +2 Excellent equipment with any other +2 Excellent equipment of same type to upgrade it into an Epic Equipment.
  • Step 7. Merge that Epic equipment with any other Epic equipment of same type to upgrade your Epic equipment to +1
  • Step 8. Merge that +1 Epic equipment with any other +1 Epic equipment of same type to upgrade your +1 Epic equipment to +2
  • Step 9. Merge that +2 Epic equipment with any other +2 Epic equipment of same type to upgrade your +2 Epic equipment to +3
  • Step 10. Merge that +3 Epic equipment with two more Epic equipment of same type to finally obtain a Legendary Equipment.

It’s possible that the above mentioned steps might seem confusing and difficult to understand to some players. So in the image below you can also find a visual representation of above steps, which is easier to understand. Credits for this image goes to Jacob BB at Discord. how to get legendary gear

How To Get Legendary Gear Fast In

The best thing you can do to get legendary gear fast is to try to get more Excellent grade gear directly. This way the merging process will become shorter because you won’t be starting with a low grade gear. The good thing is that it’s not that hard to get Excellent grade equipment from EDF Supplies, Large Depot chests or Special events in the game. So try to grind for Excellent items using these ways.

You just need a little bit of luck to obtain Excellent items of the same type from these chests and Events, as the equipment you want to upgrade into Legendary. The game provides you a lot of ways to get Gems so just keep farming Gems and spend them on these chests.

EDF Keys are a great way to open EDF Supplies without spending Gems. The great thing is they are also not that hard to obtain, you just need to participate in special events which are released regularly. Make sure to participate in such limited time events to farm as many EDF Keys as possible. how to get red equipment

So this is everything you need to know about legendary equipment and also how to get legendary equipment in game. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on and other latest android games!

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