How To Evolve Medi-Drone Into Divine Destroyer In!

Medi-Drone is a new skill released in version 1.8.1 update in mobile game. This is an exclusive skill of Catnips survivor and is also probably one of the hardest ones to evolve currently in the game. It’s quick description says “Releases a healing zone” which means it’s a great skill to heal yourself but what happens who you evolve this skill? Even more important question is how to evolve medi-drone? In this post i am going to answer all these and other important questions regarding this new drone skill. So let’s check it out!

About Medi-Drone In

Before learning about Medi-Drone evo first let’s get to know more details about it. Medi-Drone skill is exclusive to Catnips which means you need to unlock and play with Catnips in order to get this skill choice in the game. If you play with “Common” or any other survivor then you won’t see this skill in your game. Catnips can be unlocked by playing Lottery 100 times in the limited time “Christmas Carnival” event. medi drone

On selecting Medi-Drone skill in the game, a green colored circular area starts spawning underneath you every 3 seconds. This is a healing area which means you can heal yourself by staying inside the area. Remember that you need to be inside the healing zone in order to heal yourself. If you are outside the area then you won’t receive any healing. Each healing zone lasts for 3 seconds after which it disappears and then another one spawns after 3 seconds. medi drone evo

By staying inside the healing zone you heal yourself in ticks. How many ticks of healing you receive depends upon what star your Medi-Drone is at. The percentage of healing you receive per tick is also influenced by stars on your Medi-Drone. Below you can find out how much healing you receive at each star of Medi Drone skill.

  • 1 Star – Heals 0.5% per tick (max 2.5% per healing zone spawn)
  • 2 Star – Heals 1% per tick (max 5% per healing zone spawn)
  • 3 Star – Heals 1.5% per tick (max 7.5% per healing zone spawn)
  • 4 Star – Heals 2% per tick (max 12% per healing zone spawn)
  • 5 Star – Heals 2.5% per tick (max 15% per healing zone spawn)

As you can see once you get your Medi- Drone to 5 star you can heal up to 15% of your max HP by staying inside a healing zone. Also note that other than increased healing, the healing zone area also increases with each star. But the main question is how do you evolve Medi-Drone to make it more stronger? what happens when you evolve it? Well, just continue reading below to find out the answers to all these questions.

How To Evolve Medi-Drone In

As i mentioned at the beginning of this post, Medi-Drone is probably the hardest skills to evolve in the game right now. The reason is because you need 3 particular skills in order to evolve Medi-Drone. Although you don’t need any supply skill to evolve it but you will need to max out all these 3 skills before you could evolve Medi-Drone to transform it into it’s most powerful version. If you couldn’t get these 3 specific skills then unfortunately you won’t be able to evolve it, that’s why it might not be that easy to evo Medi-Drone.

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One of the three skills you need is obviously Medi-Drone. So you will need to upgrade your Medi Drone to 5 stars. But since you don’t see any supply skill with Medi-Drone as it’s evo then how do you evolve it? Well, as mentioned above you need 3 specific skills in weapon skill slot and no supply skill in order to evolve this new drone. So which are the 2 other required skills? Well, these 2 other skills are Type A Drone and Type B Drone. how to evolve medi drone

So the first and most important step to evolve Medi-Drone is to get these 3 skills. Once you have achieved that then all you need to do is upgrade all these 3 skills to 5 stars. After upgrading Type A & Type B drones to 5 stars you will be able to evolve them into “Destroyer”. evolve medi drone

Once you have evolved Type A & Type B drones into Destroyer a weapon slot will be freed again, which is great! The other great thing is you are also now ready to evolve Medi-Drone into Divine Destroyer. Once you have obtained Destroyer and your Medi-Drone is at 5 star, you will then be able to evolve your Medi-Drone into Divine Destroyer. medi drone evolution

After evolving to Divine Destroyer, again a weapon slot will be freed up. So in total 2 weapon slots will be freed again which means after getting Divine Destroyer you will be able to select 2 more weapon skills. This is another great benefit of evolving Medi-Drone.

About Divine Destroyer In

So now you know how to evolve Medi-Drone to Divine Destroyer in game. But you might be wondering what does Divine Destroyer do? Well, Divine Destroyer doesn’t provides any new power or ability and is basically just a combination of both Medi-Drone and Destroyer. So you will now have Destroyer drone above you and the healing zone of Medi-Drone will keep spawning every 3 seconds, like before. divine destroyer

However it doesn’t mean there are no benefits of evolving to Divine Destroyer at all. There are of course some advantages like the healing zone area will be quite large and you will also heal 2.5% HP per tick which means you will heal faster. But the biggest advantage is that you get to pick 2 more weapon skills which means you will be able to play with more weapons and thus become more stronger after evolving to Divine Destroyer. how to get divine destroyer

So i hope now you know how to evolve Medi-Drone to Divine Destroyer in game. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on and other latest android games!

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