Lost Pages are a part of Kulle’s Hidden Chambers world event in Diablo Immortal. This event can be completed at Library of Zoltun Kulle in Hell 1 or higher difficulty. In this event you are required to collect 5 pages which can be found throughout the zone and then use a portal tome to open one of the five hidden chambers. However, finding these pages can take you a lot of time and effort if you don’t know exactly where to find them. In this guide i won’t only show you all lost pages location with a map but also share some extremely useful tips to help you complete this event in easiest and fastest way. So let’s check it out!
Diablo Immortal Lost Pages Guide
As mentioned earlier, in order to get this event you need to reach level 60 and then change difficulty to Hell 1 (using the skull button at top right corner on your map). After that whenever you visit Library of Zoltun Kulle you can find Kulle’s Hidden Chambers world event at the very top in your quests list at left side of the screen.
You can now start exploring the zone to find the lost pages and unlock a hidden chamber with great loot. The good thing is that you can easily notice these pages from enough distance while exploring the zone because they appear as slightly shiny objects. When you go near these pages, a message “Collect Lost Page” will appear over them.
Once you have collected 5 lost pages you can use them to create a Portal Tome. You can then use this Tome to open 1 of the 5 Kulle’s Hidden Chambers to find a world boss or complete some mini quests to obtain great rewards. Some players get confused on how to use the tome after collecting all 5 pages so make sure to check out my post on how to use portal tome so that you don’t get stuck at this step.
For most of the players, farming these pages can be little difficult because Library of Zoltun Kulle is a large zone with lots of enemies. So a huge number of enemies will start chasing you when you pass through them while looking for these pages. Although you shouldn’t find it much difficult to beat them if you have good enough Diablo Immortal Combat Rating but still it’s best to avoid them because it will consume a lot of your time to fight them.
The best way to avoid a horde of enemies is to simply visit the spots where these pages actually spawn at the zone. To know about these spots just continue reading below.
Diablo Immortal Lost Pages Location & Map
If you are one of those who always ask where to find lost pages then you won’t need to ask that anymore because now i am going to show you exactly where to find them. One of the great things about these lost pages is that they don’t spawn at random locations at the zone. They spawn at some specific spots only, so if you are aware of all lost pages location then you can simply visit these specific spots to check if the page is available there. You can find out all spawn locations of lost pages denoted with red circles in the map below.
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So instead of wasting your time in exploring the whole zone in search of these pages, you can just check out this map and even memorize it to save your time and energy in fighting unnecessary monsters. Many players who are not familiar with the zone keep coming back to the same place over and over which unfortunately frustrates them that’s why i highly recommend you to keep this map for your help.
Diablo Immortal Lost Pages Tips To Follow
At the end, here are some more information regarding this event which will help you to complete this event easily. Below i have shared 4 tips which will help you avoid some mistakes while completing this event.
1. These pages are visible to not only you but to all players at the zone, so make sure to pick them up as soon as you find them otherwise they might be taken by other players.
2. It’s best to complete this event when there are very few players at the zone because more the players, lower your chances of finding the pages.
3. The exact respawn time of these pages is not yet known. If you don’t find the page at a specific spot then it’s best to look at other spots instead of waiting for it to respawn there. As shown in the above map, there are more than enough spawn locations so why waste your time in waiting at a specific spot?
4. If you find a player in a certain area of the zone it’s better to leave that place and look for the pages in another area of the zone because you have almost 0% chance to find a page there. So instead of wasting time there it’s better to find pages at other spots, as shown in the map.
So i hope with the help of this guide you are now aware of all lost pages location together with many other important details about Kulle’s Hidden Chambers event in Diablo Immortal. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Diablo Immortal!