Devourer & Rogue Skill Guide & Tips!

Rogue & Devourer are two unique evolutions you can unlock in mobile game. Rogue skill is the second evolution you will unlock in the game and it requires only Adventure level 5, this means you can unlock it quite early. On the other hand Devourer might take you a few days or about a week to unlock since it requires adventure level 15. If you are confused about how these 2 evolutions work or how to unlock them then don’t worry anymore. In this post i will tell you everything you need to know about Devourer & Rogue skills in game. So let’s check it out!

Rogue Skill In

Rogue is one of the skills you can unlock at Evolve tab in the game. There are two types of skills you can find on this tab. The basic ones at left column which increase basic stats like ATK, HP etc. and the special ones at right which unlock new abilities or provide different types of special advantages. All these skills or evolution needs to be unlocked in the order they are placed. You can’t change the position or skip any evolution, they need to be unlocked in the provided order only. rogue

Rogue skill is one such special evolution from right column which allows you to reselect 1 skills in battle. Once you unlock this skill, a “Refresh” button will start to appear underneath the skills choices at each level up. By tapping on this button you can refresh the skills choices. But remember that it can be used only once per stage, so use this chance wisely. rogue skill

The great thing about this skill is that it is activated for every mode, be it main chapters, daily challenges, Trials etc. I recommend not to use the rogue skill early in the game, save it till you have cleared at least half of the stage. You can use it when you need a specific supply skill to evolve your weapon and unable to get it. In that case just tap on the Refresh button and may be you might get your required supply skill. However it can also be used early in the game specially when all 3 skill choices are the worst ones.

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Devourer Skill In

Now let’s talk about Devourer skill and how it works in game. It’s description says “Monsters killed drop Meat” which clearly means that you can get meat from killing monsters and heal yourself. This one is another useful skill because as you reach higher chapters you will be frequently surrounded with horde of enemies. At that time your HP matters a lot, so getting an extra source of meat from Devourer upgrade is really helpful. devourer

Some players also wonder if only the bosses can drop meat or normal/elite monsters also have the possibility to drop them? So let me tell you that both the bosses as well as elite monsters have a chance to drop meat on killing them. However most of the times you will get only bosses to drop meat. You have really low chance to get them from smaller enemies or elite monsters but it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. devourer skill

How To Unlock Devourer & Rogue Skills Fast

In order to unlock these skills at Evolve tab you will need Gold DNA which can be obtained from Trials mode. Unlocking Rogue is quite easy but for Devourer it might take you some time because the required number of Gold DNA keeps increasing as you move up in the order of evolutions.

To unlock the perk faster you will need to unlock the first several chapters. This will unlock those chapters in Trials mode as well which will allow you to get more Gold DNAs. But of course in order to clear the main chapters and Trials stages you will need more high level gears. For that i recommend checking out my post on how to level up fast so that you could learn how to level up your equipment faster and unlock more chapters.

So i hope now you know everything about Rogue and Devourer skill in game. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on and other latest android games!

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