Last Day On Earth – How To Get Electronic Circuits From Recycler!

Electronic Circuits have been an extremely rare item in the game before 1.8.2 but now its actually a bit easier to obtain them, thanks to the Recycler. There are certain items, which when disassembled inside the recycler, have a chance of giving you an Electronic Circuit. In this post we will tell you what are those items and how to get your Electronic Circuits from the recycler using those items. So let’s check it out!

Last Day On Earth Electronic Circuits From Recycler

There are only 3 items right now which can give you an EC from the Recycler. These items are USB Drive, Mobile Phone and Signal Amplifier. So whenever you find these 3 items at any locations then make sure to pick them up because now they are extremely valuable.

last day on earth electronic circuit

However, just farming these three items will not help you in getting an EC. You need to first level up your electronics category skill inside your recycler because in the beginning the chance of getting an EC is 0% and you will just be wasting these 3 items if you recycle them at 0%.

So what is the minimum level you need to reach before you could expect to get an Electronic Circuit by recycling USB Drive, Mobile Phone or Signal Amplifier? Well, according to various players you need to have a minimum of level 35 in electronics category to expect an EC.

last day on earth survival electronic circuit

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Now you might be wondering, if you can’t put in these 3 items in the beginning then which items should you recycle initially to level up? Well, we have put together a complete list of items which you should recycle initially, for each of the 6 categories inside the recycler. So make sure to check it out here – Best and Worst Items for Recycler!

So this is how you can get Electronic Circuits from Recycler. Hope you liked this information. So please don’t forget to share this post with your friends at whatsapp, facebook and twitter using the social media buttons below.

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