Last Day On Earth – How To Activate Your Dogs’ Traits!

In Last Day On Earth Survival game, your dogs can have one or more traits like Careful, Well-Stocked, Hunter, Bloodhound, Witty, Leader, Guard etc. However these traits could be of no use to you if you don’t activate them. In this post we will show you how to activate your dogs’ traits so that you could take advantage of them. So let’s check it out!

How To Use Dog Traits In Last Day On Earth

There are two things which you need to do in order to use your dog traits. You can learn about both these steps below.

Step 1 – Put the dogs whose traits you want to activate, into “Walking on Base” slots inside your dog crate. You will find that there are 3 slots available for that, so you can only use traits of a maximum of 3 dogs at a time. But the higher the rank of the dogs, more traits they will have. So if you have rank 3 or rank 4 dogs then you can activate numerous traits at once!

last day on earth activate dog traits

Step 2– Another important thing you need to do next is to put food for your dogs inside the feeder of your dog crate. Remember that if you have more dogs then try to put in more food there, as the consumption will be more. Also, remember that your dogs’ traits will stop working if there is no food in the feeder, hence the traits will only be active till there is food in the feeder. Check out our post on fastest way to farm dog food to collect maximum food for your dogs in least time possible.

last day on earth use dog traits

That’s it! After doing both the steps mentioned above you will see that the traits of your dogs have started rotating which means that they are now active.

last day on earth dog traits

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Also, you will find the dogs are walking on your base near the old pickup truck, which is another signal that their traits are in action. If after sometime you find that your dogs are just sitting around and not walking then it means there is no more food in the feeder.

last day on earth how to use dog traits

So this is how you can activate and use your dogs’ traits in Last Day On Earth Survival game. If you want to see everything mentioned above in action then check out the short video below in which you can clearly see us activating our dogs traits by following the steps mentioned above.


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