Last Day On Earth – How To Get True Friend Dog (+Gameplay)!

In Last Day On Earth Survival game “True Friend” trait is the best possible trait you can have on a dog. If you have a dog with this skill then you can take him anywhere you want like at Bunker Alpha, Red Zones, Events etc. This dog can attack zombies and also explore some exclusive areas where only this dog can reach, thus it greatly helps you! In this post we will tell you how to get a True Friend Trait dog and every important things you need to know about it. So let’s check it out!

How To Get A Dog With True Friend Skill

Although true friend trait is extremely useful however it is not quite easy to get a dog with this trait. In order to get such a dog you will need to crossbreed 2 rank 4 dogs. It can take you quite some time to get 2 rank 4 dogs (a male and a female) and then breed them for a chance to get this trait.

last day on earth true friend

Also, you are not guaranteed to get a true friend trait in your very first attempt, but its random so if you are really lucky then you might get it in your very first crossbreed while if you are unlucky then it might take you much more attempts (and thus more rank 4 dogs) to get a Rank 4 dog with true friend skill. Make sure to check out our Crossbreeding Guide to learn everything about breeding in the game.

How A True Friend Trait Dog Works!

After you obtain this dog, there are a few things that you need to know about it. This way you will be able to better utilize your dog. Below you can learn about them.

1. Dog’s Attack – When you get this dog and take him to any location, he will do a max damage of 5 by default. He will do only 5 damage per bite to regular zombies while for unique zombies like Frozen Bloaters he will do only 3 damage per bite. The good thing is that you can increase this damage value by getting a rank 3 dog with “Leader” skill.

last day on earth true friend dog

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2. Dog gets Tired Fast – After delivering a certain number of bites, your dog gets tired. After that he no longer attacks any zombies and just sits at a position. If you want to revive him again instantly then you need to feed him a “Dog Treat“. If you don’t have this treat and want to revive your dog again then you need to just go to your home base and then your dog will revive. So your True Friend trait dog doesn’t lasts more than 1 zone trip.

last day on earth true friend trait

There are many more important things which you should know about such dogs. We recommend you to watch the video below in which you can see an actual gameplay of a True Friend skill dog and also learn many other important things about him!


So this is how you can get and use a dog with True Friend trait in Last Day On Earth Survival game. Hope you liked this guide. So please don’t forget to share this post with your friends at whatsapp, facebook and twitter using the social media buttons below!

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