How To Reset Skill Points In Soul Knight Prequel!

How to reset Skill Points is one of the most asked questions by players in Soul Knight Prequel mobile game. These are mostly new players who ask this question as they have recently started playing the game and are unaware with many basic features. If you are also one such player then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you how to reset skill points in Soul Knight Prequel together with other important details on this topic. So let’s check it out!

How To Reset Skill Points In Soul Knight Prequel

The most effective way to survive in the game is based on the Class that the player has selected. It’s important that the player assigns skill points in the most effective and advantageous way. These Skill points can be divided into two types which are Primary Skill Set and Secondary Skill Set.

For example, Warrior and Aegis classes perform better with higher HP and attack powers, so keeping higher “STR” points using Stat Points would be ideal. On the other hand Pyromancer and Tempest Mage classes performs better with Magic skills so keeping “INT” stat higher would be desirable.

If a player has already started playing and later realizes that he didn’t assigned points accordingly then he don’t need to worry as he/she can still reset skill points. He can always assign skill points according to the classes he has selected.

soul knight prequel reset skill points

If you are wondering about how to do that then it’s actually easier than you might be thinking. You can reset skill points, stat and apex points from the White merchant at the Bottom right side of the map. His name is ‘Respec Merchant’. You’ll unlock him as you progress further through the story.

soul knight prequel how to reset skill points

Based on the Basic class, Secondary class and Prestige class, a player is assigned different skills through the use of skill points which further unlock higher level skills for better destruction or survival capabilities.

Passive skills are permanently in effect and cannot be used during combat. However active skills either deal damage or provide equivalent combat during gameplay.

So this is how to reset skill points in Soul Knight Prequel. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Soul Knight Prequel and other latest android games!

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