How To Get Alchemist In Soul Knight Prequel!

How to get Alchemist is one of the most asked questions by players in Soul Knight Prequel mobile game. These are mostly new players who ask this question as they have recently started playing the game and are unaware with many basic features. If you are also one such player then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you how to get Alchemist in Soul Knight Prequel together with other important details on this topic. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Alchemist In Soul Knight Prequel

There are many characters that can be unlocked after reaching higher levels in the game and by upgrading skills, stats, and apex points. Some of the characters that can be unlocked are Knight, Rogue, Witch, Assassin, Engineer, Vampire, Paladin, Elf, Werewolf, Priestess, Druid, Robot, Berserker, Necromancer, Taoist, Officer, Airbender, Demonmancer, Miner, Trap Master, Costume Priest, Physicist, Inter Dimension Traveler, Element Envoy, The Beheaded, Time Traveling Ninja and Special Forces.

One such character is Alchemist. There are multiple ways to unlock it. You can either unlock it with 5000 gems at higher levels, or you need to complete some tasks and quests. The important thing is to boost the drop chance for certain cards. You will need to unlock the ability to do it though.

You will need certain fruits in Forest of Tranquility at level 150. The main purpose of collecting those fruits in the game is to unlock crafting like Alchemy. The fruits needed are as below:

soul knight prequel how to get alchemist

  • Cherry – found in Southern Steppes
  • Blue Milkcap – found in Crystal Mines
  • Pumpkin – found in Forest of Tranquility

Once you get all the fruits you need to go to the camp where you will find an NPC named Bacchus. Talk to him to start the quest and give him all the fruits. You will need to talk to him 3 times to give all the fruit to him. This will then make Bacchus to join your party.

how to get alchemist in soul knight prequel

He will give you the ability to craft juices in the game. There are lot of juices that can be made and each one of them increases the drop chances of certain cards by 900 seconds or 15 minutes. That is how you unlock Alchemist in Soul Knight Prequel. Make yourself some juice and get that drop buff!

So i hope now you know how to get Alchemist in Soul Knight Prequel. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Soul Knight Prequel and other latest android games!

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