How To Get Spuds In Brotato (More Spuds For Free)!

How to get Spuds is one of the most asked questions among Brotato mobile game players. Brotato is a rogue like RPG game where you can unlock different characters and play along different waves. Most players in the game are always looking for ways to get more Spuds so that they could progress faster and enjoy the game even more. If you are also one such player then you have come to the right place. In this post i will tell you how to get Spuds in Brotato for free. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Spuds In Brotato Mobile

As mentioned above, you can unlock different characters in Brotato. By destroying enemies during the waves you win coins and other materials which after each wave you can either keep or go to shop. There you will find 4 items with different stats to choose from. There you can choose your desired ones to match with your character to make him stronger.

Now the meaning of “stronger” can vary for different players. Some players like to play offensive games so they focus on skills like Damage, Speed and HP. Some play defensive games so they focus on skills like Speed, Armor, and Health.

Also, it’s very easy to navigate through items and either lock them or reroll them using coins displayed for reroll. Once rerolled, new items will be displayed and one can pick up some of them and the process continues.

While playing the game one has the ability to select from 6 weapons in total which can be carried through the next waves. While in initial waves moving with 1 weapon is enough. However, as waves increase you will need to carry more weapons.

There are 5 different tiers of weapons where S is the highest tier followed by A, B, C and D. Note that tier D weapons can get you killed in the game and become hurdle in moving along the waves.

How to get spuds is one of the most important questions that a player has in this game. So further below in this post we will look at what Spuds are, how to unlock them and what they are used for in Brotato.

brotato how to get spuds

The first thing you need to know is that what are spuds in Brotato. Well, Spuds are a special currency in Brotato using which you can unlock different characters. For example, using Spuds you can unlock characters like Ghost, Lucky or Renegade.

If you don’t have spuds then in order to unlock Renegade your character will need to get 15 different tier 1 items during a run. If you need to unlock Ghost then you need to have +60% dodge and if you need to unlock Lucky then you need to collect 300 materials. Similarly, there are many other characters that can be unlocked by using Spuds.

Once you have Spuds then you can keep unlocking different items, materials, increase your skills, combine different items and make your character strong. There are 3 different ways to get spuds in Brotato and below you can learn about each of them.

1. In-game purchase of Spuds – The first and the fastest way to get them is to buy them using money

2. Watch videos to get Spuds – There are total 28 ads in Brotato. By watching each ad you can earn 3 Spuds. You can watch all 28 video ads every day to obtain around 84 spuds in a day.

how to get more spuds in brotato

3. Get Spuds in exchange of coins from either Shop or Crate

So this is how to get Spuds in Brotato. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Brotato and other latest android games!

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