How To Get Fractured Guardians Profile Icons In Disney Mirrorverse!

Fractured Guardians are the evil versions of your characters or the Bosses you face at the last section of your encounters in Disney Mirrorverse. You might know that you can use a character as your profile icon after you get him/her to level 10 but you might not know that you can also use fractured characters as your profile icon in the game. Not only that, you can also use weapons of characters as your profile icon. In this post i will tell you how to get fractured guardians and weapon profile icons in Disney Mirrorverse. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Fractured Guardians Profile Icons

Getting fractured characters’ and weapons profile icons is not as easy as getting a regular characters’ profile. If you want to get these profile icons then you need to wait for Glamour Store to appear in your store section. Because these special profile icons can only be obtained from Glamour store. This special store is just like Bazaar where you can refresh the items list every 2 hours.

disney mirrorverse fractured guardian profile

However there are 3 major differences between both stores. Below you can learn about these 3 main differences between Bazaar and Glamour –

  • In Bazaar you can get a variety of items like Gems, XP Motes, Gold and Dungeon items while Glamour has only profile icons of fractured characters and weapons.
  • Glamour store doesn’t have any Free item slot so you can’t get a free item every 2 hours like Bazaar. Every item in Glamour store costs either Gold or Orbs.
  • Items in Glamour are more expensive than Bazaar. The profile icons there cost much more orbs and gold than items in Bazaar.

How To Get Glamour Store In Disney Mirrorverse

You might be too excited to use these profile icons and thus looking for this store in the game. However most probably you won’t find Glamour tab in your Store. This is because Glamour is a time limited special store which appears once in a while. Also, whenever it appears it stays for only 48 hours so you need to be quick to catch it and buy your favorite profile icons. In the image below you can see some more icons with their cost.

disney mirrorverse weapon profile icon

Also, if you don’t know then let me tell you that you can also get 4 Goon profile icons in the game. They are not as rare as glamour store icons but it might take you some effort to unlock them. You can learn about Goon profile icons in my another post by clicking here.

So this is how you can get fractured guardians profile icons in Disney Mirrorverse. Please Don’t Forget to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Disney Mirrorverse!

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