How To Get A Mannequin In Last Day On Earth Survival!

Mannequin was added in version 1.11.8 update in Last Day On Earth Survival game. You can place it at your base and also equip him with backpack. You can place a maximum of 2 Mannequins on your base and it can even be recycled, however nobody should/would ever recycle it (this is just for your info). In this post i will tell you how can you get a Mannequin on your base Or is it even possible to get it now? So let’s check it out!

What is The Use of Mannequin

They don’t really have any important use in the game. They have been added so that you don’t feel lonely at your base all the time. You will at least have a mannequin whom you can assume as another survivor with you. The mannequin also has several poses to choose from. So you can also change his pose periodically and even change his armor to feel like a new survivor.

last day on earth mannequin

Also, if you are wondering if the Raiders can steal the armor and backpack from your mannequin then, No … the raiders can not loot your Mannequin, so don’t worry about that. When you put it in recycler you can obtain the following items as shown in the image below. However its obviously not recommended to recycle it.

last day on earth how to get mannequin

How To Get Mannequin In Last Day On Earth

Mannequin was an exclusive item which could only be purchased from the in-game Shop during St. Patrick’s Day update in version 1.11.8. So its no longer possible to get it now but the fact that they made it a recyclable item indicates that they have plans to release it again in the future. So be hopeful for that and don’t worry if you couldn’t get it because in the video below you can watch every single pose of mannequin and more info about it.

So this was everything you needed to know about mannequin in Last Day On Earth Survival game. Please Don’t Forget to share this post with your friends at whatsapp, facebook and twitter using the social media buttons below!

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