How To Get Camp Medals In Undawn (Complete Guide)!

Camp Medals are a really important but somewhat hard to obtain items in Undawn mobile and PC game. They are needed when you want to relocate or move your Camp Homestead. If you don’t yet know then let me tell you that you can have two homesteads in the game which are Outpost Homestead & Camp Homestead. Relocating the Outpost Homestead doesn’t requires any special item but if you want to move your Camp Homestead you will need a Camp Medal. If you have no idea about how to get them then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you how to get Camp Medals as well as everything you need to know about them in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Camp Medals In Undawn

There are a few important things you need to know before moving your camp homestead using a Camp Medal. The first thing is that you need to join a camp after reaching level 10 to be able to get Camp Homestead. The next very important thing to know is that after you get camp homestead your outpost homestead will lose its functions, which means you will no longer be able to build anything there.

The next thing you need to know is how to relocate camp homestead in Undawn. In order to relocate camp homestead (or get a Camp Homestead if its your first camp homestead relocation) go to Menu > Camp > Buildings (3rd tab at right column). Now tap on “Chamber” and switch to the 2nd tab to be able to see the regions where you can relocate your Camp Homestead.

undawn camp medals

These regions are Polaris Island, Rock Ridges, Lake Sol, Spruce Heights and Silverstream Bay. Below some of these regions you might see “Undeveloped” mentioned in red color which means you can’t relocate there because your camp leader has not developed it yet. If you want to relocate to such a region then you need to ask your camp leader to develop it.

Each of these regions have six homestead locations and each location can have only 1 homestead. The most important thing to note is that you need a camp medal in order to relocate your camp homestead. These medals are a rare item and they are available in a very limited number in a Camp.

The number of Camp Medals available in a Camp is decided by the level of that Camp. So if you want to have more Medals then you need to upgrade your Camp Level, which requires upgrading different Camp Buildings. You need an item called Camp Funds in order to upgrade the buildings in your camp.

However you will never have enough Medals to give to each camp member, no matter the level of your Camp. For Example, at Camp level 5 your Camp can have maximum 17 medals only. You can check which members currently have a Camp Medal by checking the “Medal” column at “Member” screen inside the Camp.

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undawn how to get camp medals

In order to get a medal you will need to ask for it from one of your Camp Director, Deputy Leader or the Leader. In order to find players with these roles in your camp just tap on “Camp Role” column at “Member” screen in your camp. You will now be able to see all players with these roles at the very top in the list.

camp medal undawn

Now all you need to do is just tap on a player’s name with any of these roles and then choose “Send Message” option to send them a message requesting a Camp Medal. Note that if all medals have already been given then you might not be able to get one. However a medal can also be taken away from a player and given to you, in which case that player’s camp homestead will lose it’s location.

However you don’t need to worry even if you couldn’t get a Medal because there is one region where you can relocate without Camp Medals and that region is Rock Ridges. This is the reason you will see the “Homestead Address” of all players without a camp medal showing as either Rock Ridges or “Yet to Move”.

how to get camp medal in undawn

In order to move your homestead to Rock Ridges you first need to tap on Rock Ridges and then choose a District (which is not yet full) from drop down menu at right side. Then tap on “Relocate” button under any “Uninhabited” location. If its your first camp homestead relocation then you will get a warning message pop up, just tap on “Confirm” button to relocate your Camp Homestead.

how to get camp medal undawn

So this is how to get Camp Medals in undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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