How To Get/Earn Homestead Points In Undawn!

Homestead Points are a valuable currency if you want to get new types of furniture to place at your Homestead in Undawn mobile & PC game. Not only furniture but you also need this currency for purchasing exclusive resources like Steel, Glass, Coil, Spring, Cement, Wool, Circuit Board, all types of seeds and more. However obtaining this currency is not that straightforward and involves a few steps. That’s why many players have no idea about how to get Homestead Points. If you are also struggling with this issue then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you step by step how to earn Homestead Points in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Homestead Points In Undawn

In order to get Homestead Points the first thing you need to do is to purchase some specific types of seeds. These seeds can be purchased from Homestead Shop which can be accessed by tapping on four squares (Menu) at top right side of screen, then selecting “Market” option and choosing “Homestead”.

undawn homestead points

At Homestead shop you need to switch to the fourth tab which is “Homestead Cultivation”. At this tab you can buy various types of seeds. These seeds can be grown to obtain ingredients required for making various dishes at Grill in your Homestead. However in this post i am only going to talk about the seeds which give you Homestead Points.

There are total 7 types of seeds which can be harvested and then sold for getting Homestead Points. However only two of those seeds are unlocked by default. In order to purchase the other five you need to increase your character level. The two seeds which you can buy right now are Morning Glory Seed and Feverfew Seed.

undawn how to get homestead points

The five other seeds which require higher levels are Milkweed Seed, Oregano Seed, Orchid Seeds, Sunflower Seeds and Wildflower Seed. So just go ahead and purchase some Morning Glory and Feverfew seeds using Silver. After purchasing these seeds you need to go to your Farmland at Homestead.

If you have never used the Farmland before then you will first need to clear the slots for sowing seeds using silver. After that just go to a slot and tap on the plant button that appears at center of the screen. Now select Morning Glory or Feverfew seed that you have purchased and tap on “Seeding” button to start planting at unlocked slots.

undawn how to earn homestead points

Now tap on “Exit” button and you will find the options to add water, fertilizer and harvest crops. You obviously can’t harvest yet so first tap on “Water” button to add water to the seeds. After that you need to tap on “Fertilize” button and then add “Organic Fertilizer”. Note that you need to buy these Organic Fertilizer from Homestead Shop.

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how to get homestead points in undawn

Adding water and fertilizer is not necessary but is Highly Recommended to do so. The reason is because adding water and fertilizer to the seeds greatly increases the number of crops obtained from the seeds. After adding both of these you just need to wait for 4 hours and 10 minutes for the seeds to grow into plants.

Also, a much faster way to purchase seeds, plant them, add water and fertilizer and then harvest crops is by using Farmland Management screen. To access it, just stand near the entrance of your farmland at Homestead and you will see a “Manage” button pop up on your screen.

how to earn homestead points undawn

Tap on this Manage button to open Farmland Management screen. From this screen you can perform all the above mentioned actions in just few taps. To be able to purchase seeds from this screen, you just need to tap on “Supplies Shop” button located at top left of the screen.

After waiting for 4 hours and 10 minutes your crops will be ready to harvest. So just go to each crop inside your Farmland and tap on “Harvest” button to harvest each of them individually. Or you can also simply tap on “Harvest” button at Farmland Management screen to harvest all your crops in farmland in just one tap.

how to earn homestead points

After harvesting, you can find the plants or flowers in your backpack. So now open your backpack and select Morning Glory or Feverfew that you have just harvested. On selecting these, you will get the option to sell flowers or plants for Homestead Points. So simply select a plant and tap on “Swap for Homestead Points” button.

You can then choose how many flowers or plants you want to sell and also check how many Homestead Points you will get. After adjusting the quantity simply tap on “Swap for Homestead Points” button to sell your flowers for Homestead Points. Note that each Morning Glory gives 10 points and each Feverfew gives 11 points. So among these two, it’s best to grow and sell Feverfew to get more Homestead Points.

undawn how to sell flowers

So this is how to earn Homestead Points in Undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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