How To Defeat Krusoe & Cursed Krusoe In Viking Rise!

Krusoe is one of the most hardest enemies to defeat for most players in Viking Rise mobile game. You will get the quest for defeating him on reaching Chapter 25 (Blessings of God) where it’s one of the 8 missions you need to clear for completing the Chapter. The reason this quest is so difficult is because you actually need to defeat him twice, once in his basic form and another in his advanced form called Cursed Krusoe. If you are also struggling to clear this quest then you don’t need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you exactly how to defeat Krusoe in Viking Rise. So let’s check it out!

How To Defeat Krusoe In Viking Rise

Krusoe is an enemy who can be found at Geirleif Village, which is located towards southeast of your city. This is the fourth village which you will unlock in Viking Rise. To be more specific about Krusoe’s location at the village, he is located quite close to Dragon Lair at Dragon’s Dwelling next to the village. Also, you will first need to defeat the Forbidden Gate Defenders before fighting Krusoe.

If you didn’t checked yet then let me tell you that Krusoe is a monster enemy upgraded to level 30. If you check his squad then you will find that it is comprised of 52,080 Axe Brawlers. These Axe Brawler troops possess superhuman endurance. They can charge forward and fight till the end. So you can imagine how strong they would be when there are 52,080 of them.

viking rise krusoe

On top of that he also has some squad buffs which provide him even more strength. These buffs include Troop Attack Increase by 13%, Troop Defense Increase by 9% and Troop Health Increase by 3%. So you can see that using these three buffs he is providing an overall more strength to his large troop consisting of 52,080 Axe Brawlers.

Another factor which makes him even more difficult for a lot of players is that he is equipped with level 5 “Counterstrike” active skill. Using it he deals 1 instance of direct damage (Damage Factor 410) to the target and inflicts them with Bleeding, which causes damage every 1 second (Damage Factor 150) for 2 seconds. It also heals lightly wounded units in the deployed troop (Heal Factor 250).

viking rise defeat krusoe

There is actually one main reason why a lot of players keep getting defeated from Krusoe and waste a lot of resources on healing their troops again and again. The reason is that they don’t take the recommended troop size for fighting Krusoe seriously. Don’t worry if you didn’t understand what i meant. Just keep reading below to understand better.

When you tap on Krusoe you will see that the game recommends 44,000 Tier 3 troops for fighting him. A lot of players don’t take this recommendation seriously and step into the battlefield with a higher quantity of mostly tier 2 troops. Let me tell you that this strategy won’t work with Krusoe because he is really stronger than all previous enemies you have encountered till now in the game.

In order to defeat him successfully and avoid wasting resources on healing your injured troops, you must fight him with mostly tier 3 troops. It’s ok to have a few thousands of tier 2 troops in your squad but the majority should be of tier 3 troops otherwise you won’t make it.

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Another thing to note is that your squad should include more than 44,000 troops. The troop size of 44k recommended by the game is bare minimum, you actually need a little more than that in order to defeat Krusoe. Below you can check the exact number of troops i used for defeating Krusoe. Note that i was using Laird and Ivor heroes, both around at level 32.

how to defeat crusoe viking rise

14,113 Axe Brawler (T3)
13,941 Toughened Lancer (T3)
14,590 Bow Slinger (T3)
9,009 Hauler (T3)

So you can see that my troop included 51,653 soldiers in the squad which is a lot more than recommended and also almost same as Krusoe’s troop size, which is 52,080. If you don’t yet have that many troops then i highly recommend you to first increase your troop size by researching and then training at Barracks. Also make sure to promote your low tier troops into tier 3 troops using this guide.

How To Defeat Cursed Krusoe In Viking Rise

Even if you defeat Krusoe using my above mentioned squad, the quest will not be completed yet. After you have defeated Krusoe he summons a dragon of the Abyss and mounts over him to turn into Cursed Krusoe. This is the reason you will see “0/2” mentioned in front of “Defeat Krusoe” mission at Chapter 25 screen.

viking rise cursed krusoe

This Cursed Krusoe is even more powerful and hard to defeat than Krusoe you have just defeated. Although he is also upgraded to level 30 but his squad is comprised of 74,730 Axe Brawlers, which is massive! Other than that he is now equipped with “Fiery Breath” Active Skill which deals 430 damage to the target squad once.

You might be shocked to know this but according to game, the recommended troop size for defeating Cursed Krusoe is 57,000 tier 3 troops! Let me warn you that it’s again the bare minimum. Don’t try to fight him with less than 57K T3 troops as you will just be wasting your resources on healing your wounded troops.

After defeating Krusoe using my recommended troop it shouldn’t take you more than a day to get 57,000 tier 3 troops. Once you have obtained enough troops, just go ahead and you will easily be able to beat Cursed Krusoe. Below you can check the exact troops i used for this second phase of Krusoe.

defeat krusoe

15,778 Axe Brawler (T3)
15,906 Toughened Lancer (T3)
16,400 Bow Slinger (T3)
10,818 Hauler (T3)

So my squad included 58,902 troops with Laird and Ivor, however this time both these heroes were upgraded with 1-2 more levels. As you can see that my troop size is just slightly more than recommended, so although you won’t completely overpower or crush Krusoe with this squad but it will definitely be enough to beat him before you get close to getting defeated.

viking rise defeat cursed krusoe

So this is how to defeat Krusoe and Cursed Krusoe in Viking Rise. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Viking Rise and other latest android games!

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