Best Way To Spend Gems In Viking Rise (What To Spend Gems On)!

What to spend gems on is one of the most discussed topic among Viking Rise mobile game players. There are several ways you can use to spend gems in the game however almost nobody seems to know about the best use of gems. It’s actually really important to know whether the item or purpose for which you are going to spend gems is actually worth it or not. Otherwise you will just be wasting your hard earned gems. If you are also confused about the best way to spend gems then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you what to spend gems on in Viking Rise. So let’s check it out!

Best Way To Spend Gems In Viking Rise

Whenever you ask someone about what to spend gems on or what is the best use of gems in viking rise then you will get mixed answers. Some will say that it’s best to purchase Oracle Soulstone and Blessed Soulstone with your gems since it can get you new heroes and skills. But are they really the best purchases with your gems?

You might not believe it but some players also recommend purchasing time skips and resources with your gems. However most probably they don’t know that both of these can easily be obtained for free if you even just actively log into the game a few times per day and play the game regularly. So this suggestion is definitely not worth consideration at all, at least the resources are not.

viking rise what to spend gems on

However not everyone’s suggestions are that strange as mentioned above. You will also find many players recommend you that the best use of gems is to purchase gathering boosts to increase the workers’ gathering efficiency. Or they also suggest you to buy Shields to protect your City and even Relocators to be able to relocate your City. These suggestions are definitely not bad and could be used occasionally but they are also not the best way to spend gems either.

So now the question comes, what is the actual best use of gems in Viking Rise? Well, according to me there could be five ways using which you can spend your gems in the best possible way in the game. Below you can learn about all these 5 best ways to spend gems in Viking Rise.

1. The first thing which i highly recommend all new players is to buy Rebate Gift Pack with your Gems. It is a limited time special event available for new players only. The great thing is that you don’t actually spend gems in this event. You just invest them for a certain period of time to get back a higher return.

viking rise best use of gems

You can invest in this event in three phases to get specific quantities of gems each time. In first phase you can get 2,500 gems, in second you get 5,000 and in the third phase you can get 15,000 gems. Most free to play players get to participate in only the first two phases. This is because the third phase requires you to invest much more gems which is not possible to get within the available time as free to play.

Note that you also get a huge amount of resources and other items as well together with gems in this event. This makes Rebate Gift Pack one of the best ways to invest or spend gems in Viking Rise. If you weren’t aware of this event and don’t see it at your Events screen right now then most probably you missed it.

2. The second best use of gems in Viking Rise is for purchasing Prosperity Points. Increasing your Prosperity level is one of the most important things in the game and if you only depend upon free prosperity points you get for logging into the game then it will take you a really long time. On top of that if you don’t log in a single day then your consecutive login bonus points reset.

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viking rise best way to spend gems

Therefore it’s really important to use gems for purchasing Prosperity points to increase Prosperity level. You should do it till you reach at least Prosperity level 7. Although there are various buffs which you unlock at different Prosperity levels but there are certain buffs which are extremely useful and thus you should try to unlock them as quickly as possible.

viking rise spending gems

First you should try to reach Prosperity level 4 faster to permanently unlock the 2nd Construction Queue in your City which allows you to upgrade two buildings at the same time. Next important one is Prosperity level 6 where you unlock the 2nd Construction Queue in village. After that you should try to reach level 7 faster so that you could get 1 Oracle and 1 Blessed Soulstone everyday from Prosperity chest for free.

3. The next important thing which you should spend gems on is for purchasing Monster Essence. This is one of the rare items which you need for upgrading your Squad Base. If you don’t know about Squad Base then let me tell you that it’s a building in your city where you can review your troops and also train heroes of your choice at Hero Boot Camp to make them automatically gain EXP over time.

best way to spend gems in viking rise

You can buy Monster Essence using gems by visiting Tavern Keeper. He is a merchant whom you can access after building Honey Tavern in your City. The good thing is that it’s not that expensive. You can buy as many Monster Essence as you want from Tavern Keeper for 20 gems each.

4. The above mentioned three ways are the most important ones. Other than those you can also sometimes choose to spend your gems for getting additional reward from Distant Voyage event. In this event you send the boat on voyage every day and then get to choose from two rewards. If you like or really need both rewards then don’t hesitate to buy the other reward using gems.

best use of gems in viking rise

5. The last place where you can choose to spend gems are in Events. This game regularly keeps releasing interesting new events quite frequently. If you find an event which requires you to spend some gems for getting the most rare or exclusive items or really huge rewards then it’s definitely worth it to spend gems. Always keep an eye at Events screen so that you don’t miss any such opportunities.

So i hope now you know what to spend gems on or the best use of gems in Viking Rise. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Viking Rise and other latest android games!

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