Mercenaries are one of the most helpful features available for you in Soul Knight mobile game. These are actually NPCs who are also known as “Followers” in the game. These NPCs can assist and fight alongside you in the game and thus they are really helpful. A lot of players have confusion about how mercenaries work and many are also looking for a mercenary tier list. If you are also one such player then you have come to the right place. In this post i will tell you everything you need to know about mercenaries in Soul Knight together with an updated mercenaries tier list. So let’s check it out!
Soul Knight Mercenaries Guide
During your adventure in dungeons you will come around some characters or NPCs who will be located in rooms which are shown as exclamation marks on the map. These NPCs are none other than the mercenaries or followers whom you are going to learn about in this post.
You can find more than one type of mercenary from dungeons and at the time of writing this post you can find total 13 mercenaries in the game. Each mercenary costs certain amount of coins to be hired and thus if you don’t have sufficient coins then you won’t be able to hire a mercenary.
Each mercenary has it’s own Health, Crit Chance and speed. Once hired, the mercenary will follow you around in the dungeons, just like your pet. However unlike the pets, the mercenary can take damage from enemies and die, after which he disappears.
Another important thing you need to know is that each mercenary is equipped with its default weapon but can also equip other weapons that you find or bring with you in dungeons. Note that each mercenary can equip some specific types of weapons only.
A lot of players keep asking how to change follower weapon? So let me tell you that in order to equip your mercenary with a weapon or change his weapon you just need to go and stay near a dropped weapon for a couple of seconds. This will make the mercenary also go there and pick up the weapon (only if the weapon is suitable and can be equipped or used by him).
A great thing is that mercenaries have infinite energy which means they can keep using their weapon. If you succeed to reach the next level with your mercenary alive then his health is fully restored. Also, if you have the Pets & Followers buff then the mercenary’s health can increase.
After you have hired a mercenary, you will have a high chance of finding Drillmaster in exclamation marked rooms in dungeon. He can train your mercenary in exchange of coins. Your mercenary’s health will be increased after training and he will also be able to equip better weapons. You can train your mercenary up to 5 times with the help of Drillmaster.
Sometimes you can find the mercenary from a place called Shared Mercenary Station. This station has 4 slots in it and you have a higher chance to find a “Shared Robot” mercenary from it. This robot costs half of your current gold to be hired. More gold it costs to hire him, higher will be his rank and better quality weapon he will be equipped with.
So this is everything you need to know about mercenaries or followers in Soul Knight. Now, a lot of players don’t want to waste their gold on weaker mercenaries and thus they wonder which mercenaries are the best or strongest.
For all such players i am going to share a Soul Knight mercenary tier list below. In this tier list you can learn about the most strongest as well as weakest mercenaries. This way you can avoid hiring useless mercenaries and save your valuable coins.
“C” Tier Mercenaries – Muscleman, Mad Scientist, Jim Smiley, Headgear Hero (Batman), Pharaoh
“B” Tier Mercenaries – Soot Soot, Legendary Apprentice,
“A” Tier Mercenaries – Mercenary Intern, Shared Robot
“S” Tier Mercenaries – Healing Knight, BarbarQ, Royal Knight, Don Quixote
The tier list above mentions characters from worst to best. This means C tier mercenaries are the weakest and S tier ones are the strongest. While hiring any mercenary in the game, make sure to keep this tier list in mind and avoid wasting your coins.
So i hope you have learnt everything about mercenaries, Shared Mercenary Station and mercenary tier list in Soul Knight. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Soul Knight and other latest android games!