How To Get Clay, Super Glue, Glass & Screws In Undawn!

Clay, Super Glue, Glass & Screws are some of the commonly required crafting materials in Undawn mobile & PC game. You might need them for crafting gun accessories and different construction items like Sheet Material, Clay Brick etc. Screws can also be required for repairing certain special equipment such as Gas Mask. The problem is that most new players have no idea about where to get all these materials from. If you are also one of those players then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will tell you how to get Clay, Super Glue, Glass and Screws in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Clay, Super Glue & Glass In Undawn

Before learning about how to get them, here is a little description about three of these materials. Clay is a sticky and pliable soil used to craft clay bricks. Super Glue is a strong glue used to craft sheet materials and Glass is a shiny crystal that can be used to craft various trinkets.

undawn how to get clay

The great thing is you don’t need to return to your Homestead in order to get these materials. This is because you don’t have to craft them using some workbench at your Homestead. You can easily and quickly obtain Clay, Super Glue and Glass whenever you want and wherever you are in the game.

undawn how to get super glue

It’s actually quite easy to get Clay, Super Glue & Glass in the game because all of these are the most basic construction materials. This means you don’t have to collect some other resources to craft them, instead you can simply purchase them from a specific shop using an easily obtainable in-game currency.

undawn how to get glass

In order to get them, all you need to do is to open the Menu (by tapping on four squares just beside the mini map) and tap on “Market” option. You will now see all the markets or shops available in the game. Here you need to select the very first option, i.e. Raven Shop. At Raven Shop screen just switch to “Building Materials” tab and that’s it.

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undawn where to get clay

You will now be able to purchase Clay, Super Glue and Glass together with various other materials from this screen. Clay costs just 20 silver, Super Glue also costs 20 silver and Glass costs 100 silver each. There are no daily or weekly limits to the number of purchase for these items so you can purchase as many as you want.

How To Get Screws In Undawn

Screw is a basic resource which is required for crafting gun accessories and also for repairing certain equipment. There are two ways using which you can get screws in the game and both ways require you to purchase it from specific shops. The first place where you can purchase it from is the same Raven Shop but this time you need to switch to “Equipment Materials” tab in order to find it.

undawn screws

It costs just 10 silver each so you can easily purchase as many as you need. The second place where you can buy it from is Race Extravaganza Shop. This is a new shop added in a recent update and can be accessed from the same Market screen. At this shop you can purchase screws using 10 Race Extravaganza Points each.

undawn how to get screws

These points can be earned by participating in Race Extravaganza at Golden Desert region. You can learn about how to unlock this exciting race mode at this post. Using this new game currency you can also purchase silver, fuel, high density battery as well as steel from the same shop.

So this is how to get Clay, Super Glue, Glass and Screws in Undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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