Undawn Keller’s Homestead Treasure Map & Treasure Location!

Keller’s Homestead treasure map is one of the many treasure maps you can find at Redwood Forest in Undawn mobile & PC game. This map can be obtained from an isolated backpack kept outside a house which is located towards west of Laketown Stronghold. Kellers Homestead treasure is hidden in a little space under wooden stairs and that’s why most players find it difficult to locate. If you are also one of those players then no need to worry anymore. In this post i will show you how to find the backpack, get Keller’s Homestead treasure map as well as the exact location of Keller’s Homestead treasure in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

Undawn Keller’s Homestead Treasure Map & Treasure

After obtaining the treasure map you need to locate in it your backpack and then read it to get a hint about the location of Keller’s Homestead treasure. The hint contains an image as well as a message describing the location where the treasure has been hidden. The treasure could include valuable resources like Ionic Membrane, hundreds of Talent Points, thousands of Silver etc.

undawn keller's homestead

The message displays some wooden boxes, wooden drums and a shelf. Along with it the text message says “Keller’s Homestead would be a very dangerous place now. It holds too many valuables, including mine. They may still be there, I’m not sure. I put them in an unassuming corner, under a wooden shelf. The shelf is surrounded by wooden boxes and supports several wooden barrels.”

If you are unable to locate the treasure even after reading the hint then no need to worry anymore. In the short video embedded below you can learn how to get Keller’s Homestead treasure map as well as the exact location of the treasure. So just watch this quick video to easily locate and claim your treasure.

So this is how to get Keller’s Homestead treasure in Undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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