How To Craft Rest Shed & Extension Ladder In Undawn!

Rest Shed and Extension Ladder are two Rig objects in Undawn mobile & PC game. Both of these can be used for various helpful purposes and that’s why you need to know how to craft and use them correctly. You also need to craft them for completing a mission at Chapter 5 of Adventure Guide called “Craft a Rest Shed and Extension Ladder”. However most new players have no idea about how to craft these Rig objects. If you are also among those players then no need to worry anymore. In this post i won’t only show you how to craft Extension Ladder and Rest Shed but also how to use them in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

Rest Shed & Extension Ladder In Undawn

Before learning about how to use both these Rigs you obviously need to know how to craft them first. So let’s begin by learning how to craft Rest Shed. In order to craft Rest Shed you first need to tap on hammer button at bottom left corner to open “Crafting on the Go” screen.

At this screen you can craft various tools, recovery items like First Aid Kits etc, Ammo and Rigs. To craft a Rest Shed you need to switch to the fourth tab (Rig) and then tap on Rest Shed in the list of objects. It is actually very easy to craft it because it doesn’t requires any special items to be obtained from wilderness.

undawn rest shed

In order to craft a Rest Shed you just need 3 Plant Fiber and 1 Scrap Steel. To get Scrap Steel, simply tap on it’s icon in the materials list and then tap on “Obtained” button. The game will now show you that it can be obtained from Building Shop so just tap on this shop at “How to Obtain” screen and then buy 1 Scrap Steel for just 50 Silver. Then just tap on “Craft” button to craft a Rest Shed.

undawn craft rest shed

Similarly you can also craft an Extension Ladder from the same Rig tab at “Craft On The Go” screen. In order to craft Extension Ladder you will need 40 wood and 1 Spiral Steel Pipe. You can get Spiral Steel Pipe from Building Shop (just like Scrap Steel for Rest Shed) so just visit this shop and purchase 1 pipe for 50 silver.

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undawn extension ladder

How To Use Rest Shed & Extension Ladder

After learning about how to craft both these rigs now it’s time to learn about how to use them in Undawn. So let’s start with Rest Shed and learn about it’s use. Rest Shed is actually a multi purpose item as you can use it for cooking some specific dishes wherever you want and also for taking shelter during storm and harsh weather conditions.

In order to use a Rest Shed you need to tap on three dots at bottom left corner of the screen and then choose “Rig” option. After that just select Rest Shed to get its positioning option on your screen. Now just move a little bit in any direction so that the Rest Shed turns green, as that’s when you can place it on the ground. Once you have found a suitable spot just tap on “Place” button to place it on the ground.

undawn craft a rest shed

After placing it you will be asked about how or for which purpose you want to use the Rest Shed. If you want to take shelter from storm then tap on “Sit and Rest” button. If you’re thirsty and your Hydration bar is low at Survive screen then tap on “Place Cold Beverage” to have a refreshing drink. Lastly if you are hungry or want to warm/dry yourself then tap on “Light the Bonfire” button to cook some dishes for eating or warm yourself.

undawn bonfire

I believe the use of Extension Ladder should be self explanatory or quite obvious. Still let me tell you that you can use it for climbing/reaching higher platforms or structures. You can use it in the same way as Rest Shed i.e. tap on three dots at bottom left corner, then choose “Rig” and just select Extension Ladder to get its positioning option on your screen. Now just place it near the platform or structure where you want to climb and tap on place button. You can now climb the ladder to reach the top of that platform.

So this is how to craft Rest Shed and Extension Ladder as well as how to use them in Undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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