How To Repair Bike/Motorcycle, Weapons & All Equipment In Undawn!

How to repair bike is one of the most common questions asked by players in Undawn mobile and PC game. Things like your weapons, armor, Drone Modules, Gas Mask, Vehicle etc. lose durability on using them. It is really important to keep repairing them before they completely run out of durability because then you won’t be able to use them until you restore their durability again by repairing. Most new players have no idea about how to repair these things in the game. If you are also struggling with this same issue then don’t worry anymore. In this post i will explain you how to repair weapon, motorcycle and other things easily in Undawn. So let’s check it out!

How To Repair Bike In Undawn

Your Motorcycle is extremely useful in the game when you want to cover long distances faster. It is available anywhere you want, just with the tap of a button. It is one of things which you use the most, specially during completing the story missions. Due to frequent use it’s quite obvious for your bike to lose durability fast.

undawn how to repair bike

Once the bike’s durability reaches 0 you need to repair it using certain items in order to use it again. To repair motorcycle you first need to go to your Homestead. After reaching Homestead, go to your Construction Workbench and switch to the second tab in it (the one with furniture icon).

On switching to this tab you will be able to see various furniture and workbenches you can craft to place at your Homestead. On scrolling through the list you will find a workbench called “Mechanic Station” which requires just 150 wood and 75 stones to craft. So just select this Mechanic Station and tap on “Craft” button.

undawn repair vehicle

Now return to your Homestead screen and tap on button at center of the screen which has a hammer in hand icon. Now simply select the Mechanic Station you have just crafted from the list (in case you have other objects which haven’t been placed yet) and place it anywhere at your Homestead.

On going to your Mechanic Station and tapping on “Use” button you will find that you can’t only use it for repairing your bike but also for crafting new vehicles. At the time of writing this post you can craft three other vehicles in it which are Cobalt Blue Wave, Metal Gray Wilderness Traveler and Blue 808.

To repair bike, tap on “Vehicle Repair” option to be able to see how much durability is still left on your bike. On the same screen you will see that you need Steel and Screw in order to repair the motorcycle. Steel can be obtained from “Building Shop” and Screw can be obtained from “Equipment Shop” using silver.

undawn repair bike

Both these shops can be accessed by going to Menu > Market > Raven Shop and switching to “Building Materials” and “Equipment Materials” tabs. They can also be directly accessed from the bike repairing screen by tapping on Steel and Screw at bottom left side.

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You can also purchase Steel and Screw from “Recycle Shop” but you will need a currency called “Recycled Material” for purchasing them from this shop. This currency can be obtained by crafting a “Deconstruction Bench” using Construction Workbench and then dismantling gathered materials like animal hides, woods, flaxseed, ores etc. in it.

Once you have obtained the required number of Steel and Screw using any of the above mentioned ways, simply tap on “Repair” button to immediately repair your bike. Your bike’s durability will be fully restored and it will be ready for you to use again.

Also, some players face an issue where they don’t find Mechanic Station in the list of furniture at Construction Workbench and thus are unable to craft it. If you have the same problem then most probably you just need to upgrade your Homestead to unlock the build formula for Mechanic Station.

undawn repair motorcycle

How To Repair Weapons In Undawn

After learning about repairing your bike, now it’s time to learn about how to repair weapons like Rifles, Submachine Gun, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Heavy Weapon etc. in Undawn. Well, the steps are almost similar to repairing a bike, the only difference is that you need to use a different workbench this time.

So for repairing the weapons, first return to your Homestead (if you are not already there) and again go to your Construction Workbench. This time you need to craft a workbench called “Equipment Repair Table”. After crafting it just place it at your Homestead (like you did earlier with Mechanic Station).

undawn repair weapons

After placing it, go near it and tap on “Repair” button. This repair table is extremely useful because you can’t just repair weapons in it but also repair all body part armors, melee weapons, different drone modules and also the Gas Mask. You can select an equipment to repair from right side to be able to see durability left on it as well as the material required for repairing the equipment.

undawn how to repair weapon

Guns, body part armors and drone modules require “Repair Parts” as materials, melee weapons require steel, gloves require leather and Gas Mask requires Screw as materials. You can simply select an equipment to repair then tap on the required material and then tap on “Obtain” to know exactly from which shops you can obtain that material. After getting the material just tap on repair button to fully restore equipment’s durability by repairing it.

So this is how to repair bike, weapon and other equipment in Undawn. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Undawn and other latest android games!

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