Tower of Fantasy Shatter & Charge Meaning Explained (Best Weapons List)!

Shatter and Charge are two most important weapon stats in Tower of Fantasy. You might have already noticed these two stats on your weapons but most probably you don’t know what is shatter or what is charge. Don’t worry because you are not the only one with this confusion, a lot of players want to know shatter meaning and how or why it’s an important stat. In this post i am going to explain you what is shatter and charge together with a list of best shatter and charge weapons in Tower of Fantasy. So let’s check it out!

What Is Shatter In Tower of Fantasy

You can find shatter stat in the abilities list of a weapon in Tower of Fantasy. It’s a very important stat for your weapons therefore you must know its meaning and why it is so useful. So let’s learn about shatter meaning and everything else you need to know about it.

tower of fantasy what is shatter

Shatter stat basically defines a weapon’s ability to break enemy’s shield. Greater the shatter value of a weapon, faster it can break enemy’s shield. Weapons with high shatter value are really useful against Bosses and enemies with shield because such enemies can block 50% of the damage they receive, making it much harder for you to beat them. In PvP, players with shield can block 30% damage and are also immune to soft control effects. By breaking the shield of a player you can also stun him/her for 3 seconds.

So you can see why it’s so important to have shatter weapons which are great at breaking shields. Now i am going to tell you about top 3 weapons with highest shatter currently in the game. If you get any of these shatter characters or weapons then make sure to upgrade them to make them more stronger.

Scythe of The Crow – This is an SSR weapon with fire element and currently has the highest shatter of 14.30 in the game. King is the simulacra or character for this weapon.

tower of fantasy shatter

Rosy Edge – This is an SSR weapon with ice element and has the second highest shatter of 12 in the game. It’s simulacra character is Meryl.

Chakram of The Seas – This is a physical element SSR weapon with the third highest shatter value of 11.70 in the game. It’s simulacra character is Shiro.

What Is Charge In Tower of Fantasy

Charge is the second stat you will find in a weapon’s abilities list in Tower of Fantasy. This is another most important stat you must focus on while choosing a weapon. So now let’s learn about Charge meaning and everything else you need to know about it in the game.

tower of fantasy what is charge

You might probably know that every time you hit an enemy, your other two equipped weapons gain charge. This charge can be seen as a thick white outline around your two weapons and it keeps increasing with your attacks. When the weapons are fully charged you can then tap one of them to execute a discharge attack of that weapon.

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tower of fantasy charge

This is where the Charge stat of a weapon comes into play. This is the stat which determines how faster your both equipped weapons gain charge. So higher the charge value, faster your weapons will gain charge. Note that you must be attacking with a high charge weapon in order for your other two weapons to gain charge faster. Just equipping your high charge weapon in an inactive slot won’t charge your weapons faster.

Now let’s check out top 3 charge weapons with highest charge stat currently in Tower of Fantasy. These weapons can be extremely helpful while dealing with several enemies at the same time.

Negating Cube – This is a fire element SSR weapon with the highest charge stat of 13 in the game. It’s simulacra character is Zero.

tower of fantasy charge stat

Absolute Zero – This ice element weapon has the second highest charge value of 12.50 in the game. It’s simulacra is Cocoritter.

Icewind Arrow – This is another ice element SSR weapon with the third highest charge stat of 11.50 in Tower of Fantasy. It’s simulacra is Tsubasa.

Tower of Fantasy Shatter Vs Charge

Many players try to compare both these stats and try to find out which stat is best of the two. Well, after reading this post you already know about both charge and shatter and i believe you also understood that both are extremely important. You can’t just say shatter is the best stat or charge is more useful because ultimately you will need both types of weapons.

I highly recommend you to try to get and upgrade best weapons for both stats from the above mentioned lists. When dealing with world bosses with strong shield you will need to use shatter weapons and when you get surrounded with a lot of enemies then switching to a charge weapon could be extremely helpful. Since your weapon’s discharge attack can deal massive damage and eliminate multiple enemies at once.

It’s also important to notice the element type of your weapon before upgrading it. Different situations and puzzles in the game require weapons with specific elements. So try to pick your best shatter and charge weapons of different elements rather than all of them belonging to the same element.

Also, on getting a weapon if you are unable to decide if that weapon has a good shatter or charge stat then you can simply check the letter mentioned before the stat. You will find letters like A, B, C, S and SS which basically denote the tier of that weapon for that particular stat. Like in the image below you can see “SS” before shatter which means it’s one of the weapons with highest shatter in the game. You can also see “B” before charge which denotes it has very low charge stat.

tower of fantasy shatter and charge

So i hope now you know everything about Shatter and Charge in Tower of Fantasy. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Tower of Fantasy!

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