Trick To Solve Mushroom Puzzle (Glowshroom) In Tower of Fantasy!

Mushroom puzzle is without doubt one of the most interesting puzzles in Tower of Fantasy. You might come around this one while exploring the open world at Banges and Navia regions. It is also known as Glowshroom because you will find 3 glowing mushroom in this puzzle. If you are lucky then you might solve it quickly however there might be times when you might get stuck with this puzzle for a little longer. In this post i will show you a trick to quickly solve the mushroom puzzle and claim a Black Nucleus as a reward. So let’s check it out!

Mushroom Puzzle (Glowshroom) In Tower of Fantasy

Before learning the trick to solve this interesting puzzle, first let’s learn more about it. In Glowshroom you will find 3 mushrooms located at small distances from each other. You might come around this one while exploring the open world at regions like Banges or Navia. They can mostly be found at the top of large mountains.

tower of fantasy mushroom puzzle

In the image below you can see one of the mushroom puzzle location at Banges. Note that the shown area also has some Hyena Sniper and Hyena Elite who keep spawning periodically and might be a little annoying. They are not actually hard to beat but they might soon become annoying as you might need to beat them over and over if you take longer to solve the puzzle.

tower of fantasy glowshroom

The 3 mushrooms are quite large in size and you can often find some mushroom around them, which you can pick and use for cooking dishes. These mushrooms have a glow effect at their upper part which is easily visible from little distance. Attacking with any weapon has no effect on these glowing mushroom. You actually don’t even need to use any weapon or relics to solve this puzzle.

In order to solve the mushroom puzzle you just need to jump over them. But you don’t just have to jump, you actually need to bounce over them in a specific order. Means just jumping from one mushroom to another will not get the puzzle solved. You must jump in a specific order over the mushrooms in order to solve it.

tower of fantasy mushroom jump

If you get successful in figuring out the correct order and bounce from one mushroom to another in that right order then you will get a Black Nucleus as a reward. However if you couldn’t find the correct sequence then you might waste a lot of your time.

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How To Solve Mushroom Puzzle In Tower of Fantasy

So how do you find the correct order in jumping mushroom puzzle? Well, the game gives you a little hint when you jump over the correct mushroom. If you find the correct mushroom in the order then you will see a glowing aura over the surface of mushroom which will stay on it. If your next bounce also lands you over the right mushroom then you will find a similar aura on it’s surface as well. This aura is a signal that you are following the right glow mushrooms and you will be able to solve the puzzle this way.

tower of fantasy glowing mushroom

This is a normal way to find out the correct order of jumping mushroom. However it might require a lot of guess work and thus takes a little longer to figure out the full correct sequence. There is another much better and faster trick to solve the mushroom puzzle, below you can learn about it.

If you notice carefully you will find that each of the 3 mushrooms are of different sizes. One mushroom is the smallest, another one is bigger than the first one and the last mushroom is the biggest of them all. You can easily measure the size of each mushroom by standing in front of them. Simply measure their sizes in comparison to your character’s body, this way you will easily be able find out the smallest, medium and largest jumping mushroom.

tower of fantasy jumping mushroom

Once you have figured that out, simply bounce over the smallest mushroom first. After that jump on the medium sized mushroom and finally jump over the largest mushroom and that’s it, you have successfully solved the mushroom puzzle. This is the most easiest and fastest way to solve the jumping mushroom puzzle.

A black nucleus will now spawn in the center of 3 mushrooms. You can claim the nucleus to complete the puzzle and move on with your journey. The mushrooms will disappear soon after the completion of the puzzle.

So this is how you can solve Glowshroom or mushroom puzzle in Tower of Fantasy. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Tower of Fantasy!

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