How To Get Red Nucleus In Tower of Fantasy (Best Way To Farm)!

Red Nucleus is one of the most valuable as well as a rare item in Tower of Fantasy. Most new players get confused looking at different types of nucleus they find in the game. There are 3 types of nucleus available in the game which are red nucleus, gold nucleus and black nucleus. Although all of them are used for the same purpose, i.e. for getting weapons through gacha but there are obviously some differences which you should know about them. In this post i will tell you how to get red nucleus, if there is any location to farm this orb and everything else you need to know about it. So let’s check it out!

Use of Red Nucleus In Tower of Fantasy

As mentioned above, red nucleus is one of the three types of nucleus available in the game. In order to learn about red nucleus, you must first understand about Nucleus in Tower of Fantasy. This will give you the complete idea about not only these red orbs but also about all types of nucleus.

Nucleus is like a currency which you can spend at game’s gacha (Special Orders) for chance to get new powerful weapons. There are two types of banners you can find at Special Orders, the first is the regular banner and the second is limited time banner/s. The difference between the two is that you have an increased chance to get a newly released weapon from the limited time banner.

tower of fantasy red nucleus

Since now you know about nucleus and banners, it will be easier for you to understand the use of red nucleus. In order to pull weapons through regular gacha (Choice Weapons) you need to use black and gold nucleus but if you want to pull from limited time banners then you will need Red Nucleus. This is the main difference between these nuclei.

If you want to know about red nucleus pity then there is no difference. Although the regular banner and limited time banners both follow their individual pity but the rate is same in both. This means both banners guarantee an SR or SSR every 10 orders and an SSR every 80 orders. Each banner shows how far you are from your guaranteed SSR weapon on 80th pull in that banner.

tower of fantasy free red nucleus

How To Get Red Nucleus In Tower of Fantasy

So you can see that red nucleus are extremely valuable because you have a greater chance of getting a new powerful weapon using them. That’s why everyone wants to know where to get red nucleus in Tower of Fantasy. Is there any special red nucleus location in the game where you could regularly farm it from? Well, you will get all your answers here because now i am going to tell you all the ways to get red nucleus in the game.

1. Exchange With Dark Crystal – This is your main and the only way to get free red nucleus in the game. If you want to know how to farm red nucleus then this is the way to do it. You need to focus on farming dark crystal and then exchange them for red nucleus. You can exchange them by going to Shop and then switch to “Hot” tab where you can get each red nucleus for 150 dark crystal.

tower of fantasy how to get red nucleus

There are many ways to get dark crystal for free like completing the story missions, battle pass, achievements, supply pods and other chests found in the open world etc. The great thing is you can easily farm dark crystal if you keep playing the game regularly so the more you play, more red nucleus you will be able to get.

2. Rewards – The game sometimes sends you special rewards as a celebration for certain achievements accomplished by the game. These rewards can also include red nucleus. In the image below you can see 10 red orbs sent by game to all players during the global release.

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tower of fantasy how to farm red nucleus

3. Redeem Code – The game also sometimes shares redeemable coupon codes which you can enter in the game to get valuable items. These codes also have a chance to include red nucleus in the rewards. Note that you need to be quick to redeem these codes because they expire soon after a limited number of players have redeemed them. To redeem these codes you need to open the “Rewards” screen in the game and then switch to “Exchange” tab.

tower of fantasy get red nucleus

4. Purchase From Shop – If you are looking for a quick way to get red nucleus then you can always do that by paying. Note that you can’t directly buy red nucleus from the shop, you need to first purchase Tanium and then convert it into dark crystal. After that you can exchange your dark crystal into red nucleus as mentioned earlier.

There is also a “Limited Gift Pack” section in the shop where you can buy various 1 time packs using your Tanium. These packs contain different valuable items like gold nucleus, dark crystal, red nucleus, Proof of Purchase etc.

tower of fantasy red nucleus location

Red Nucleus Vs Gold Nucleus In Tower of Fantasy

I have already mentioned about the use of both red and gold nucleus in Tower of Fantasy. You also already know how to get red nucleus in the game. But still some players would like to do a red nucleus vs gold nucleus comparison so below you can check out some key differences between both these nucleus.

1. Gold nucleus is used at regular gacha (Choice Weapons) in Special Orders while red nucleus is required for pulling weapons from limited time banners.

2. Gold nucleus is much easier to farm than red nucleus. Just by consistently playing the game you can have a regular supply of gold nucleus while that’s not the case with red nucleus.

3. Every time you spend a gold nucleus you get a “Black Gold” which can be used at Weapon Store for getting duplicates of your already obtained weapons. On the other hand whenever you spend a red nucleus you get a “Flame Gold (Rebirth)” which can be spent at Limited Orders for SSR weapons and Matrix.

tower of fantasy red nucleus vs gold

So i hope now you know everything about red nucleus in Tower of Fantasy. Please Make Sure to share this post and visit this Website everyday for more Tips, Tricks and Guides on Tower of Fantasy!

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