Welcome to a new post on Fire Emble Heroes and in this post we are going to teach you everything about friend code ID exchange in the game. This is really interesting and useful also, therefore you must know about these Fire Emblem Heroes Friend Codes. So let’s get started.
So in case you didn’t know, in Fire Emblem Heroes game there is a friends functionality. So all you have to do is in the lower left corner click on “Home” button on the screen. Then you will see a little statue on the bottom screen, there you can see your entire friends list.
You can see what friends you have available and if you click on the “Search” you can see your ID number.
To get others to add you as a friend, you need to get your ID as shown above and then share it on Youtube comments section, your facebook account, fire emblem heroes facebook groups, your twitter account etc. etc. and then other people can add you guys and send you some friend requests.
If you want to add someone then simply type in someone’s friend code to add them. Tapping on the next tab, you can also see any kind of pending friends request you might have.
You can pretty much see whoever wants to be your friend, you can accept them one by one if you want or you can click on accept all to accept all requests at once.
As of right now i’m really not sure what the friends list cap is at means what’s the max number of friends you can get so i would say add as many people as you can so that you guys can see what they’re up to or what characters they are using.
Like one of the guys in my friends list has got a 5 star Leo character. He is currently level 4 and has also got “Brynhilder” and “Rising light”.
So you can kind of get a better understanding of what characters and what weapons your friends have on. So jump on board with it, if you guys have any friend requests i would say except them all.
Fire Emblem Heroes Benefit of Friends
Now you might be asking what’s the point of this? what kind of benefits do you get by adding friends in Fire Emblem Heroes?
Well apparently once a day you can greet people and if you greet them you can gain Feathers. Like one of the guys actually came up on the bottom (a little bit early on today). He came up, introduced themselves, and then he gave me five feathers.
So what happened before was the character that came up on screen with me actually gave me 5 feathers and feathers are great because once you get one of your units all the way over to level 20 or more you can potentially use feathers and badges to level them up even further. So keep that in mind, feathers are going to be very useful but apparently there’s also no guarantee if you’re going to get anything.
One of the best things with Fire Emblem Heores Friends Code is that you can see all the different characters within the game potentially just by adding all these friends. You can see their stats, skills and more.
Make sure to watch the video below for a better understanding of this concept. Also don’t forget to share this page with your friends using the social buttons below.
So in the comments section below make sure that you guys are leaving your friend ID code so that others can add you as friends and you get a good chance of getting Feathers in the game.