Last Day On Earth Survival – How To Get Infected Box!

Infected Box has finally been released in version 1.6.9 update in Last Day On Earth Survival game. This is currently the best box in the game because it contains the most rarest and hardest to obtain items like the White Paint, VSS Vintorez, Electronic Circuits, rare guns etc. In this post we are going to tell you everything about how to get Infected box, all of its contents and also how to open it. So let’s check it out!

How To Get Infected Box In Last Day On Earth

In order to obtain an Infected box you need to first get a Floppy Disc from the “Specialist” at Overseer Room. You need to then put that floppy in the “Tactical Terminal” in the same room. It will then reveal a secret Co-ordinate (or location). You can now find a new location on the global map which will be available for 12 hour only. When you go to this location you will find an Infected Box lying on the ground.

last day on earth infected chest

One important thing you need to know is that you will get this box on your 6th floppy disc. The earlier 5 floppy discs will give you a military box. From the 6th floppy you will start getting an Infected Box randomly.

How To Open An Infected Box

In order to open an infected box, you need to first remove its infection. For that you need to first get the recipe of “Acid Bath” from the 3rd floor of Bunker Alfa. After that you need to build and Finalize it, which might take quite some time because you will need 5 electronic circuits and many other items.

last day on earth infected box

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After your Acid Bath is ready, you can use it to remove the infection from the box. Remember that you need a Chopper to bring the Infected box to your base, You need to put it at the back of your chopper and bring it to your home base. After that put the box into acid bath and wait for 60 minutes. After that you can open the box and take its contents.

There are a few more things that you need to know about this box.

  • You will lose 3 HP after every few seconds whenever you pickup an infected box
  • Also, don’t try to drop the box on the ground and let it stay there for more than a few seconds because zombies will start appearing over it in order to protect it.

So you can see that its not quite easy to get and use an Infected box. You might still want to know about its content. The contents of this box is always random so you will get different items in each box. In the image below you can see the contents of one of such boxes.

last day on earth survival infected box

Also, check out the video below to learn more about it and also see the contents of another such box.


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