How To Clear Bunker Alfa Floor 1 Without Any Guns! (Guide)

In Last Day On Earth Survival game, Bunker Alfa is a location where you can find some of the most rarest and useful items. Every player knows that its a very hard location to explore and that is why only the most strongest and highest level players have been able to clear it. However, if you too have always been scared to explore the Bunker Alfa in the game then you don’t need to worry anymore because in this post we are going to share the most easiest strategy to clear bunker alfa with no guns and in your very first try to collect all the rare loot available there. So let’s check it out!

How To Clear Bunker Alfa Floor 1

First of all let’s know the reason why the 1st floor of bunker alfa is known to be hard to clear.

Turrets – These are really fast shooting weapons and can kill you very quickly if you get caught inside their range. In this method we will show you how to escape or destroy them easily.

Frenzied Giants – These are giant zombies which can be found roaming inside the bunker. They are the most dangerous because they can kill you in just 1 or 2 hits. In this guide we will tell you how to take care of them.

Normally you might have heard everyone saying that you need some guns like Glock 17, VSS Vintorez etc. in order to survive inside bunker alfa but everybody knows that currently its extremely hard or rare to obtain guns in the game. That is why we are explaining you this method which doesn’t requires any guns. Below you can check out the required melee weapons and food items to follow this strategy.

Recommended Weapons – Skull Crusher x 1 and Saw Blade x1

Recommended Food – Jerky x 40 OR Carrot Stew x 40 etc. You can bring more quantities of them if you think you will need, however 40 should be easily sufficient for this strategy.

In the image below you can see, how your inventory should look like before leaving for alfa bunker.

last day on earth how to clear bunker alfa floor 1

Now, the very first thing that you need to do is get completely familiar with the map of first floor of bunker alfa. If you have never been there before then we highly recommend you to take your time and carefully check out the map below, so that you will know what kind of zombies will you face there and also their locations (thanks to reddit user “mrneggybrown” for the initial map). You can download this map using the link in the description below.

last day on earth survival how to clear bunker alfa 1st floor

After you get familiar with the above map, then check out the image below to know the best and most easiest path we are going to follow to clear the bunker using this strategy. The green arrows in the image shows the path we are going to follow.

last day on earth survival alfa bunker level 1

By following the above mentioned path (which is the most easiest path) we will find 5 Frenzied Giants and 2 Turrets in our path. Make sure to check the provided map to know the location of these turrets and frenzied giants. Now, in order to clear the bunker, all you need to know is how to escape or beat these frenzied giants and turrets. For the rest of the zombies, you can easily kill them, the main thing is to know only how to beat the frenzied giants and turrets. So let’s first see how to handle the turrets and then we will tell you what to do with the giants.

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Turret 1 – In the image below you can see the first turret we will face. We need to destroy this turret by going near it and attacking it using your your Saw Blade. Don’t worry because it is possible to do so as it has just 250 health now. Just make sure to have your food in your quick slot and keep consuming them while attacking and you will get rid of this turret.

last day on earth bunker alfa floor 1

Turret 2 – No need to destroy this one, just sneak away from the most possible distance (alongside the wall) and this turret will cause you no damage at all.

last day on earth bunker alfa 1st floor guide

Now let’s see what to do with each of the 5 frenzied giants that will come in our path.

1st Frenzied Giant – In the image below you can see the 1st one.

how to clear bunker alfa floor 1

To handle him, just open the door and slowly sneak towards him (he won’t move because you are sneaking, not running) and attack once using your Saw Blade and run towards the entry door and go to the floor 0 of bunker.

Now come back again to him and you will find that he is standing still. Again hit him once by sneaking to him and run away to floor 0. Do this for a total of 3-4 times and he will die.

2nd Frenzied Giant – Make him chase you till the entry door and get past him (making sure he doesn’t hits you). He is slow in speed and hence you will be able to clear the bunker easily till he reaches you again all the way back from the entry door to his initial location.

3rd and 4th Giants – This is a bit tricky. You have to kill the other zombies near both these giants while making sure to stay away from both of them. For this you need to keep moving and keep killing the other zombies while keeping distance from the frenzied Giants. Don’t worry because its not that hard.

After the zombies near them are killed, just exit the game by tapping on back button and then choosing “Quit”.

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Now get back into the game and you will again be at the bunker alfa on the map, so you won’t need to use any energy. Just reach that location again and this time just sneak walk from far away from the 3rd and 4th zombies. Make sure to stay as far as possible from them, so that they don’t find you. You have now escaped both of these giants.

5th Frenzied Giant – Just quickly try to run (not sneak) from his side (however he might hit you once so make sure to have 100% health else you will die) and very quickly open the door by unlocking it using the panel and switch to the floor 0.

Now come back again and enter the door you just unlocked and reach the final loot box to collect your loot.

During the whole exploration you will also find 2 more loot boxes in your path (check their location in the map provided) so make sure to check them also for more loot.

So this is how you can clear the 1st floor of bunker alfa. There is a very very low amount of risk involved in this method and hence its the best strategy to clear the first floor of bunker alfa without using any guns.

Hope you liked this guide. It took us a lot of effort to create this guide so please make sure to share this post with your friends at whatsapp, facebook and twitter using the social media buttons below.

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